Page 22 - guidance_in_education_denmark
P. 22

Centre of Expertise for Guidance

          The Ministry of Education is   and cross-sectoral experimental   electronic news service, on-line
          responsible for the development   and developmental activities.   articles on relevant themes, a
          and running of a national centre                       virtual library, links to relevant
          of expertise for guidance. This   To support and disseminate   legislation, information about
          includes activities such as col-  information about these activi-  best practices, recent research
          lecting examples of best practice   ties, there is a virtual resource   activities, surveys and analyses
          and knowledge within the field   centre, which is specifically   etc. within the field of guidance.
          of guidance, quality develop-  aimed at guidance counsellors
          ment, coordination among dif-  (
          ferent types of guidance services,   videnscenter). The virtual
          and initiating analyses, surveys   resource centre includes an

          International Perspectives

          Lifelong guidance is on the   Erasmus+ Programme. The net-
          agenda in many international   work supports the development
          fora, and the main aims and   of the European dimension in
          components of the Danish guid-  educational and vocational guid-
          ance system are very much in   ance and promotes mobility,
          line with the EU and OECD rec-  mutual awareness and coopera-
          ommendations on guidance poli-  tion between guidance services
          cies and practices.        in Europe.

          The Danish Ministry of Education   Furthermore, the Ministry
          is also aware of the importance   of Education is part of the
          of promoting an international   European Lifelong Guidance
          dimension in Danish guidance.   Policy Network
          International activities for guid-  and plays an active role in
          ance practitioners are initiated   developing guidance within the
          by the Danish Euroguidance cen-  EU. This is done in cooperation
          tre, placed in the Danish Agency   with representatives from The
          for Higher Education, an agency   National Dialogue Forum.
          within the Danish Ministry of
          Higher Education and Science.
          The Euroguidance Network

          includes national centres in 34
          European countries and is partly
          funded by the EU through the

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