Page 21 - guidance_in_education_denmark
P. 21
Training of Guidance Counsellors
One of the objectives of the
Danish guidance system is to
improve the qualifications and
competencies of guidance prac-
titioners in order to profession-
alise Danish guidance services.
Consequently, one common
training programme is offered
to guidance counsellors from all
It is a requirement that educa-
tional guidance practitioners
complete the diploma or master
programme in educational and
vocational guidance or the bach-
elor’s degree programme in pub-
lic administration. Alternatively,
guidance practitioners with
extensive experience in the field
can apply for assessment and
recognition of their competen- Furthermore, it is possible to The university colleges also offer
cies and prior learning. follow a master programme in a 3.5-year full-time bachelor’s
guidance at Aarhus University. degree programme in public
Six university colleges across It is equivalent to 12 months of administration, correspond-
the country offer the diploma full-time studies and has a value ing to 210 ECTS. The degree
programme on a part-time basis. of 60 ECTS points. Entry require- makes it possible to specialise
It is equivalent to 12 months ments are, as a minimum, a com- within several areas of the public
of full-time studies and consists pleted medium-cycle (tree-year) administration field, including
of three basic modules, two higher education programme educational and vocational guid-
optional modules and a diploma and two years of relevant work- ance. The degree contains com-
project. It has a value of 60 ECTS ing experience. pulsory and elective subjects, a
points. The training programme six-month internship period and
is offered as an adult learning Both training programmes are a bachelor project. Admission
programme and corresponds to offered within the framework of requirement: upper secondary
a diploma degree. Entry require- the Danish adult education and education or relevant vocational
ments are, as a minimum, a training system. They are aimed education.
completed short-cycle (two-year) at and adapted to adults who
higher education programme already have another higher
and two years of relevant work- education degree and two years
ing experience. of relevant work experience.