Page 18 - guidance_in_education_denmark
P. 18

Guidance in Higher Education

          Guidance in the Course of Academy Profession
          Programmes and Professional Bachelor Programmes

          The academies of professional   such as teachers, guidance coun-
          higher education and university   sellors or other professional staff
          colleges are obliged to support   supporting students in various
          students in a way that enables   ways.
          them to complete their educa-
          tion. Students enrolled in an   The institutions are free to
          academy profession programme   choose their methods and
          or professional bachelor pro-  choose the appropriate staff to
          grammes will therefore need   support students in completing
          support from the school staff   their education.

          Guidance at the Danish Universities: Completion and Career Guidance

          The universities offer students at   employment opportunities. Each   The universities publish and
          bachelor and master level guid-  university is free to decide how   maintain instructions about
          ance about their current pro-  and by whom this guidance is   bachelor and master programmes
          gramme, about access require-  offered. In general, completion   with examples of professions
          ments for master and PhD pro-  guidance and career guidance is   and jobs that these programmes
          grammes and about subsequent   divided between different bodies.   may lead to. They also provide
                                                                 information about options and
                                                                 recommended configurations of
                                                                 the programme of interest to the
                                                                 student, including choice of mas-
                                                                 ter programme after completion
                                                                 of a bachelor’s degree.

                                                                 Furthermore, the universities
                                                                 have an obligation to give stu-
                                                                 dents who have been delayed in
                                                                 their studies special guidance in
                                                                 order for them to continue their

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