Page 13 - increasing-the-value-of-age-guidance-in-employers-age-management-strategies
P. 13

Increasing the value of age: guidance in employers’ age management strategies

                     List of figures, tables and boxes

                     1.  Levels of the conceptual model ................................................................... 22
                     2.  Employment rate, age group 55 to 64, in 2011 and growth over 2000-
                         12 (%)        ............................................................................................... 29
                     3.  Employment rate of male and female working population aged 55 to 64
                         (2012)        ............................................................................................... 30
                     4.  Share of adults participating in education and training by specific
                         cohorts in 2011 ............................................................................................ 33
                     5.  Reasons for non-participation in learning ..................................................... 34
                     6.  Recruitment and retention of older workers in companies ........................... 36
                     7.  Percentage of companies assessing the need for further training for
                         different target groups (in small, medium, and large organisations) ............. 37
                     8.  Percentage of companies assessing training needs of older workers .......... 38
                     9.  Total overview of the effects ........................................................................ 99

                     1.  Overview of challenges to keeping older workers employed ........................ 16
                     2.  List of guidance activities ............................................................................. 25
                     3.  Employees by age groups per sector (EU-27, 2012, including
                         percentage of older employees in the total working population) ................... 31
                     4.  Overview of active age management policies in 12 EU Member States....... 47
                     5.  Background and aim of the case studies ..................................................... 67
                     6.  Implemented approaches per case .............................................................. 73
                     7.  Presence of guidance activities in cases ..................................................... 76
                     8.  Presence of external actors in the case studies ........................................... 80
                     9.  Presence of external actors in cases ........................................................... 85
                     10.  Relation required involvement and obligation nature ................................... 89
                     11.  Presence of quality indicators in cases ........................................................ 92
                     12.  Frequently reported outcomes, results and impact ...................................... 98

                     1.  Definition of older people ............................................................................. 26

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