Page 77 - increasing-the-value-of-age-guidance-in-employers-age-management-strategies
P. 77

Increasing the value of age: guidance in employers’ age management strategies

 Organisation   Background and aim of the strategy   Productivity   Culture  Knowledge  Retirement
 Rabobank   This strategy started with (older) employees that felt the need to exploit better their            X
 experience and secure their knowledge for the organisation before retirement. This feeling
 was further stimulated by the fact that the workforce within the Rabobank is aging because
 of a lower supply of young workers and because of the increase in retirement age to 67
 Achmea   During a company downsize in 2009-10 Achmea wondered how to deal with older            X
 employees. On the one hand there was the idea to lay off employees – in particular older
 workers – who had become redundant. On the other hand, in the light of future shortages
 in the labour market, Achmea felt the need to extend the working life of older employees
 and to exploit their knowledge. Following the latter course, the Silver Pool was born.
 UCLH   The aim of the strategy is to provide guidance for staff approaching retirement age and   X            X
 highlights services available within the organisation to support the transition towards
 retirement, and encourage staff to prepare for their retirement at an early stage; to use the
 support and advice available and to explore the various options open to them.
 Czech Society for   The approach was not introduced to meet an immediate need, but following an offer from               X
 Quality (CSQ)   the Association of Adult Education Institutions to participate in a project on age
 management. CSQ saw it as an opportunity to analyse the situation of its employment
 structure and to evaluate the organisational directives concerning human resources
 Vysočina   The strategy was not developed to meet an immediate need. It was seen as an opportunity               X
 to conduct a thorough analysis of the human resources management practices.
 Makro   The approach is a result of the orientation towards employee development, maintaining a            X
 stable market position, increasing effectiveness, minimising the threat of employee
 fluctuation and maximising chances for successful recruitment of new staff in periods of
 intensive growth. It also addresses future challenges of the local labour market related to
 the aging population of Poland, as well as a dynamic process of outflow of labour forces
 from the region.
 Zemat   This approach is conditioned by the fact that the local labour market offers almost no   X
 alternative. There are few candidates available that could bring in the required
 competences to the organisation. In practice, the approach focuses on the development of
 sustainable relations with its employees and is oriented towards lasting cooperation with its
 ageing workers while promoting possibilities for their development and more effective use
 of their potential.
 Paloma   The general aim of the approach is to transfer knowledge from older workers to younger            X
 ones. With such an approach the company wants to employ older workers longer and also
 shorten the learning process of younger workers who have no practical knowledge or
 experiences in a particular working place.

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