Page 26 - eg-insights-2022
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          Euroguidance webinars: creating added value

          through transnational cooperation

          Since 2019, the Euroguidance Network has organised webinars for guidance professionals throughout
          Europe. To date these webinars have gathered over 1000 practitioners, researchers, policy officers and
          other actors involved in career guidance from all over the world.

          The Euroguidance Network designs
          and organises webinars  for the Euro-
          pean guidance community through the
          basis of transnational cooperation. Eu-
          ropean-level  webinars  are managed
          by the Euroguidance competence de-
          velopment working group (MTG2).
          Countries currently represented in the
          ‘MTG2 webinar subgroup’ are Greece,
          Czech Republic, Germany, Serbia and
          Belgium (Flanders). Every year,  new
          topics are put forward and carefully se-
          lected – using criteria such as current
          European (EU level) priorities, new
          societal dynamics and prior feedback
          from the guidance community. We
          always seek to  maximise the added
          value  for  the  guidance  community!

          Our  European-level  webinars have involved both pre-  shelter  in other European  countries  have  seen  their
          senters from the Euroguidance Network, as well as   careers and educational pathways critically interrupted.
          guests from the wider guidance community in Europe   This has also impacted guidance practitioners who help
          and beyond. Each webinar is interactive, as exchange   migrants and refugees to identify new perspectives and
          and discussion inspire and support networking between   to access opportunities in education and the labour
          participants.                                       market. The first webinar introduced relevant EU re-
                                                              sources in guidance for refugees. The second explored
          In the webinar ‘Developing career guidance and coun-  effective approaches to career guidance with refugees.
          selling services through Erasmus+ projects – Experi-  Presenters were representatives from the European
          ences from practice’, participants discovered Erasmus+   Commission,  the ENIC/Naric network, Stockholm  Uni-
          project  examples  and  learned  how  career  guidance   versity,  Canterbury Christ Church University,  and the
          and  counselling  services  can  be  developed  through   Euroguidance Network itself.
          Erasmus+. Speakers from Belgium, Bulgaria,  Czech
          Republic and Slovakia presented how they developed
          project ideas, how cooperation was established with Eu-     All webinar recordings and details
          ropean partners, and what the projects involved. They           can be accessed through
          also answered participant questions to inspire guidance    the Euroguidance Network website.
          professionals to start developing their own project ideas.

          More recently, we offered two webinars to support Euro-
          pean guidance professionals in their work with refugees.         Petr Chaluš, Euroguidance Czech Republic
          Since the start  of 2022, people  from Ukraine seeking      Joke Verlinden, Euroguidance Belgium (Flanders)

            Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022
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