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Erasmus+ TCA - ‘Internationalisation
and mobility in school based career guidance’
Training and Cooperation Activities (TCAs) are international activities (seminars, training programmes,
conferences, research activities, webinars, online courses, etc.) that are part of the Erasmus+ programme.
The aim of TCAs is to support networking and forming partnerships between individuals and institutions
and in that way to contribute to achieving the aims of the Erasmus+ Programme.
In December 2021 NCGE / Euroguidance Ireland col-
laborated with the national agency, Léargas, on a virtual
Transnational Cooperation Activity under the theme of
‘Internationalisation and Mobility in School based
Career Guidance’
This 2-day virtual event was designed to provide Guid- Euro-Quest, Europass, the Academia programme and
ance Counsellors with an opportunity to gain experience E-twinning.
about and share guidance practices, network with col-
leagues across Europe and promote collaboration in As a follow up to this event, NCGE / Euroguidance Ire-
support of students interested in opportunities abroad. land and Léargas collaborated on a Remote Workshop
It was also hoped to encourage Guidance Counsellors specifically for Irish Guidance Counsellors to explore
to explore the valuable funded opportunities available the funded opportunities available to them through the
to them under the Erasmus+ Programme, particularly Erasmus+ programme.
under KA1 mobility.
The event attracted over 30 participants from across Eu- You can view the full programme
rope and contained contributions from keynote speakers and activity report HERE
Dr Mika Launikari and our own Dr Carol Guildea, as
well as inputs from Orla Ní Cheallaigh (Euroguidance
Ireland), Angela Lambkin (QQI) and Deirdre O’Brien and
Ciara Gibbons (Léargas) who introduced tools such as David Cullen, Euroguidance Ireland
Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022