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          Erasmus+ project ‘PLAR-4-SIMP’: platform

          and toolbox for inclusive mobility

          The PLAR-4-SIMP (Peer Learning Activities and Resources for Social Inclusion in Mobility Programmes)
          is a project co-funded by Erasmus+ KA3 support to policy reform. The consortium has launched the In-
          clusive Mobility Platform and Toolbox, with the aim to support ministries of education, national agencies,
          and higher education institutions in developing strategic plans and practices for more inclusive mobilities.

                                                                  The self-assessment tools can support each stake-
                                                                  holder to check their current practice against the
                                                                  inclusive mobility framework and advise on action
                                                                  points for improvement on the same themes.

                                                                  The e-training package aims to make mobility
                                                                  programmes more inclusive for students with fewer
                                                                  opportunities and address the same structures and
          Why aim for inclusive mobilities?                       themes as the framework but provide very practical
                                                                  tips and advice on how to implement the inclusive
          While the overall number of young people and students   mobility framework and design inclusive mobilities.
          experiencing international mobilities was increasing rap-
          idly before COVID-19, the number of students with fewer   The communication package consists of innovative
          opportunities participating in mobility programmes has   testimonials (videos) of disadvantaged/underrepre-
          been almost stagnant over the past decade. According    sented mobile students. This student ambassador
          to the 2019 Erasmus+ annual report, about 21,000 stu-   approach  is aimed at promoting mobility opportu-
          dents active in a mobility programme in higher educa-   nities and is a great way to build the confidence of
          tion were considered students with fewer opportunities,   others who are considering  mobility  options. Fur-
          which constitutes less than 7% of the overall participants   thermore, the communication packages consist of
          in the regular Erasmus+ programme.  The  proportion     key communication content allowing  the different
          of the higher education  student population  receiving   stakeholders to promote the benefits of mobilities in
          financial  support  for  special  needs  in  the  Erasmus+   an inclusive way.
          programme (2009-2019) oscillated between 0.11  and       The country, national agency, and institutional pag-
          0.15 %, indicating  that students with disabilities  have   es on the platform allow each
          been further disadvantaged.                             stakeholder to register their information on national
                                                                  or institutional inclusion  measures and support
          Collection of inclusion and support services
                                                                  services. This information is extremely valuable for
          The platform is a unique platform   students to better understand what their options are.
          collecting all inclusion and support services offered by   The tools are complementary. This way, the tools can
          Higher  Education  Institutions, National  Agencies  and   ensure that a European cooperation network arises
          Ministries for Education in the European Higher Educa-  promoting transparent and uniform sharing of informa-
          tion Area to international students. The platform consists   tion concerning the support and guidance of students
          of hands-on  materials  that allow  each  stakeholder  to   of underrepresented groups in mobility  programmes.
          make their policies and practices more inclusive:

              The inclusive mobility frameworks suggest a com-        All the tools are freely available on
              prehensive overview of objectives and action points  
              that  each stakeholder should  undertake in terms
              of mobility strategies, awareness and cooperation,
              information  provision  and  communication,  grants          Valérie Van Hees, Support Centre Inclusive
              and application procedures, and support services.            Higher Education (SIHO), Belgium (Flanders)

            Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022
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