Page 14 - eg-insights-2022
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The last three years have been challenging for all and “It was a great experience. I have received information
have made Estonian Academia organisers ask the about career guidance in Estonia, learning mobility, and
question: How can we make this experience, virtually methods used in counselling in different countries. I ap-
or physically, more available and impactful for the rest preciated that it was also very practical. I am also glad
of the guidance community in Estonia and in Europe? for our group spirit and atmosphere, which was unbe-
lievably amazing.”
Sharing of practices with the community
Czech participant in Academia in Estonia 2022
Since then, we have asked the Academia participants to
bring and present a method, tool, or approach from their The future of Academia in Estonia
daily work to their fellow peers during the mobilities in
Estonia. During these three years, we have hosted one What does the future of Academia in Estonia look like?
virtual learning mobility and two blended mobilities, and We like to challenge ourselves and our partners, so
it has resulted in a collection of three compendiums of keep an eye on the Academia 2023 call to see our offer.
practices available in English. The most recent Compendium of practices, Academ-
ia learning mobility in Estonia 2022, is available at:
The compendiums have proven to be a meaningful and
useful source for guidance practitioners both in Estonia dium22/
and in the rest of Europe as they provide tools to a wide
variety of target groups and settings. Anu Puulmann, Euroguidance Estonia
Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022