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          Erasmus+ project - C-course - e-learning

          for career guidance practitioners

          The “C-course” is an Erasmus+  funded project that has resulted in an online  course for guidance
          practitioners as a tool for their self-paced professional development. The four thematic modules include
          ‘Navigating the world of work’, ‘Professional enhancement’, ‘Career education’, and ‘The transforming role
          of career practitioners’.

                                                              Content of the C-course
                                                              The course includes a variety of interactive tasks, quiz-
                                                              zes, case studies, audios and videos which allow users
                                                              to fully engage with the learning content. It comprises
                                                              four thematic modules:

                                                              1.  Navigating the World of Work – the goal of the first
                                                                  module is to help career practitioners to understand
                                                                  how the labour market has evolved over time and
                                                                  how career guidance has evolved with it;
                                                              2.  Professional Enhancement – the aim of the second
                                                                  module is to inspire practitioners to reflect on and
                                                                  explore the notion of professionalism and its role in
                                                                  enhancing the quality of their work;
                                                              3.  Career Education – the objective of the third module
                                                                  is to provide  information  on how  to create educa-
          In October 2020, partner organisations from four coun-  tional programmes to support learners in develop-
          tries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Norway)     ing their careers;
          started an Erasmus+ project called “C-course”. The pro-
          ject is coordinated by the Czech Association for Career   4.  The Transforming Role of Career Practitioners - the
          Guidance and Career Development (SKPRK) with the        goal of the last module is to inspire practitioners to
          aim to produce a flexible, self-paced and freely accessi-  reflect on their previous experience and explore
          ble online course for career guidance practitioners and   their knowledge of career guidance theories respond-
          professionals across Europe. The production phase,      ing to societal changes.
          preceded by extensive research and piloting, was final-  The  e-learning  “Career  Guidance  for  the  21  century”
          ised in March 2022, and the C-Course in five different   (project no. 2020-1-CZ01-KA204-078378) is an outcome
          language versions (English, Czech, Slovak, Polish and   of  the  Erasmus+  project  “E-learning  for  Career  Guid-
          Norwegian) is now available at                      ance Practitioners” co-financed by the European Union.
                   More information about the course and the project can
                                                              be found on the C-Course website. A teaser video can
          Target groups                                       be viewed at

          The course is aimed at: a) career guidance  practition-
          ers and professionals involved in the delivery of career
          guidance  and counselling  across different sectors (i.e.
          youth and adult education, public and private employ-
          ment  services);  b)  educators  and  training  providers
          (e.g. academic institutions, professional  associations,
          educational institutions); and c) students enrolled in aca-
          demic programmes in career guidance and counselling.                   Marina Vitiz, Euroguidance Slovakia

            Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022
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