Page 23 - eg-insights-2022
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          Nordic and Baltic guidance

          counsellors build international

          networking competencies

          The first international group of 15 guidance counsellors from Denmark,
          Estonia,  Iceland,  Lithuania,  Norway,  and  Sweden  completed  the  twelve-
          hour e-course on mobility guidance between March 3 and April 7, 2022.
          The course was run by Euroguidance  centres from Nordic and Baltic

          Main target group                                   course badge was is-
                                                              sued to participants
          This course was developed for guidance professionals
          who give advice to pupils or students who could benefit   once the course was
          from a mobility experience, or who are considering or   completed.
          participating  in learning  mobility. Guidance profession-  Future prospects
          als are one of the groups who can advise young people
          on  where  to  study,  how  learning  abroad  fits  into  their   A user feedback questionnaire  was used  to gather  in-
          overall learning plans, or how to cope in a foreign coun-  formation for continuous improvement of  the course.
          try.  Proactive mobility guidance  can improve learning   While several Euroguidance centres have designed and
          outcomes, increase the volume of learning mobility, and   developed “national” e-courses for guidance practition-
          make learning mobility more inclusive, so that more   ers, the Nordic and the Baltic Euroguidance centres
          people with fewer opportunities can participate in inter-  believe that the opportunity for the guidance community
          national learning mobility.                         to improve soft skills and build international networking
                                                              competences will remain among the deciding reasons
          Toolbox for work                                    for joining the course in future.
          The course provides guidance professionals with tools   As one of the course participants pointed out: “Guidance
          which they can use in their work with young people who   counsellors’ networking across borders can find many
          are considering going abroad, or who need support dur-  opportunities  and  new  exciting  knowledge.  I  learned
          ing mobility, or to help identify learning outcomes after   more about my own job and tools available during this
          their return. The course’s “additional  optional material”   course than doing my job for two years.”
          section was developed specifically with the aim to pro-
          vide tailored information and tools pertaining to mobility   The Nordic and Baltic Euroguidance  centres will  con-
          guidance. Participants of the spring 2022 session found   tribute their example to the Euroguidance network Main
          several models  that  can help  them better explain pro-  Task Group 1 activities to help explore the possibility of
          cesses within learning mobility to their students.  developing a pan-European course on mobility guidance.
                                                              In the meantime, they will explore options to provide the
          The value of international networking               opportunity for more guidance practitioners to be able
          dimension                                           to  join the course in future to  build their professional
          The added value of the course is the opportunity for inter-  development.
          national networking, which distinguishes the Nordic-Bal-
          tic course from its national analogues. The theoretical
          part, with texts, images and videos as well as quizzes              More information:
          to be completed individually, is supplemented with case-
          based joint assignments to be completed with the oth-
          er  course  participants  and  presented  and  discussed
          online within the group. A certificate of attendance and a               Ralfs Spade, Euroguidance Latvia

            Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022
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