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          How can “Green Guidance” help in shaping a greener

          and more ecological future for all?

          A lookback to the Austrian Euroguidance Conference 2021

          It is a coincidence, but also very telling, that the Austrian Euroguidance conference in November 2021
          took place at the same time as the crucial final phase of the Glasgow Climate summit. Answers to the
          existential threats of climate change are increasingly being sought by people when they are taking deci-
          sions about education and career paths. The conference focused on what impulses career guidance can
          provide in shaping a greener and more ecological future for all. The event was linked to the objectives
          of the new Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme, the European Green Deal, and the European Skills Agenda.

         “Green guidance”                                     Plant highlighted the important link between  social
                                                              justice and Green Guidance, both profoundly linked to
          “The concept of ‘Green Guidance’ gives a broader per-
          spective to career choices by asking the simple question:   sustainability  issues.  The  topic  of  “Green  Guidance”,
          What are the implications of my career choice in terms   which Plant developed 25 years ago, has found its way
          of sustainability?” - Prof. Peter Plant said in his keynote   into the discourses and practices of career guidance
          on ‘Sustainability, Green Guidance, and Utopia’. Plant,   during the last couple of years, including a deepening
          who describes himself as a “lifelong utopian”, diagnosed   conversation in Ireland. Jennifer McKenzie,  Director
          a paradigm shift in the role of guidance: “Green Guid-  at the Irish National Centre for Guidance in Education
          ance takes career-decisions  centre stage, to a higher   (NCGE), outlined in her speech how the Irish National
          note  of  personal  commitment,  societal  involvement,   Forum on Guidance (organised by NCGE, which also
          and meaningfulness. In relation to globalisation, and to   hosts the Irish Euroguidance  Centre)  introduced  the
          social justice, it places guidance in a central global po-  idea of lifelong guidance  in promoting  sustainable  de-
          sition: environmental issues and sustainability concerns   velopment and change and how this initiated a genuine
          know no boundaries.”                                wider discussion.

            Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022
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