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30 Anniversary Euroguidance
Network meeting, Paris
On June 2 nd and 3 2022, the Euroguidance centres met in Paris for the biannual network meeting,
the first face-to-face meeting since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The meeting had a special atmos-
phere due to the 30 and 35 anniversaries of the Euroguidance network and the Erasmus+ programme,
Orianne Rambert, French Erasmus Agency
New leadership of the steering group ment of career management skills to make individuals
more autonomous and active in their guidance choices.
The meeting marked the handover of steering group
leadership from Nina Ahlroos (Sweden) and Margit The welcoming of refugees in general has been rein-
Rammo (Estonia) to Eva Baloch-Kaloianov (Austria) forced by the war in Ukraine, and the network has done
and Ilze Jansone (Estonia). Nina and Margit succeeded a lot of work to collect tools and resources for guidance
in promoting cohesion and fostering a positive working practitioners that were further highlighted and discussed.
dynamic within the network throughout their mandate.
Eva and Ilze and Jansone were warmly welcomed by Network cooperation
the network members to their new roles. This meeting was also an opportunity for the various
Main Task Groups (MTGs) within the network to get
Themes at the meeting together, to continue their respective tasks and to inte-
The French Euroguidance team had the opportunity to grate 11 newcomers to the network. Cooperation was
present and share some current projects and subjects in strengthened with other networks such as CEDEFOP,
progress: the “Réferentiel des compétences à s’orient- EURES, ETF and AIOSP, and this will be further mani-
er” - 21 century career management skills, a new tool fested during the Global Career Month from November
for guidance professionals in education (ONISEP), an 8 until December 13 , 2022, with the organisation of
application to support adult refugees on language train- a Euroguidance conference on November 30 following
ing (InterCarif), the personal development advice, and the network meeting in Prague. A working group made
the individual learning account at the service of adult up of members of each MTG, was formalised at the
guidance (Centre Inffo). These themes reveal common meeting, to study the possible themes to be addressed
issues in European countries, starting with the develop- in various workshops during the conference.
Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022