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Euroguidance – promoting the European dimension in
guidance for 30 years
Euroguidance is a European Network of national resource centres for guidance. The main target group is
guidance practitioners and policy makers from both the education and employment sectors at national and
European level.
We are delighted that Euroguidance marks its national centres are established in a broad range of in-
30 anniversary in 2022. stitutions, such as ministries of education, employment
and/or social affairs, universities, National Agencies,
and other national guidance centres.
The Network has grown and changed alongside the
enlargement of the European Union, its partnerships,
and generations of funding programmes: Petra, Leon-
ardo da Vinci I & II, the Lifelong Learning Programme,
and most recently, Erasmus+. Special support from
the European Training Foundation was received by EU
Candidate countries. Prior to the change from Leonardo
da Vinci I to II in 1999 with ten new countries added in
1997-1998, several centres felt the need to establish the
identity and internal cooperation of the Euroguidance
network in a more concrete fashion, and to promote the
development of the network and its activities. To enable
this the “Euroguidance Charter” was drafted, further de-
fining the basis of centres and their remit of operation. A
working group was established to support new countries
joining the network. “New Ways of Working”, launched
in 2018 and adopted in 2019, was also an internal initia-
tive impacting the management structure of the Network.
A brief history Where we are today
The origins of the Network stem from 1992. The Eu- Today, there are nearly 40 Euroguidance centres in 34
ropean Commission, under the second phase of its of 37 countries which are eligible for co-funding under
PETRA programme, established a network of “National the Erasmus+ programme. Each participating country
Resource Centres for Vocational Guidance” (NRCVGs) has at least one nationally designated Euroguidance
in the 12 member states of the European Economic Centre and nominated Network representative. At policy
Community (EEC), later the European Community (EC). level, the Network is coordinated by the Commission’s
The Network’s original mandate was to support ex- Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs, and
changes of information concerning vocational education Inclusion (DG EMPL). The Erasmus+ programme guide
and training opportunities across the EEC/EC with a (2022) refers to Euroguidance as a “Knowledge and
particular focus on intra EC mobility. expert network” sharing common goals:
From the very beginning, the Network embodied the Cooperation and support at Union level to strengthen
principles of subsidiarity and complementarity, each policies, systems, and practices for guidance within the
country adopting a model of operation meeting the re- Union (the development of the European dimension of
quirements of the Network, while also reflecting the va- lifelong guidance); support competence development of
riety of national guidance infrastructures in place. Thus, guidance practitioners; provide quality information on
Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022