Page 6 - eg-insights-2022
P. 6


          Staying relevant for the European guidance community

          Here, two long term Euroguidance professionals, Nina Ahlroos (Sweden) and Graziana Boscato (France)
          share their thoughts on why Euroguidance work matters.

          What have been your best or most memorable expe-    Nina: We have grown over the years and the contacts
          riences in Euroguidance?                            with the European  Commission and/or the EACEA in-
                                                              fluences how we can run our actions. Some periods it
          Graziana: The friendliness of the members has always   seems like countries concentrate more on the national
          been present during the meetings in various countries.   context, and  some periods  the network  level  coopera-
          One of my favourite memories of the first European   tion is in focus. Our network is exceptional in the sense
          meetings  were the convivial moments which  were  al-  that we keep up the exchange and cooperation without
          ways accompanied by songs in all languages. This also   any coordinating  support mechanism. Other networks
          contributed to the feeling of belonging to a network, to   have more central administrative and communicative
          the big European guidance family. Another special mo-  support, but we have managed to support the guidance
          ment was in 2008, when the European resolution “Better   community “on our own ‘’ for 30 years. The financial
          inclusion of lifelong guidance in lifelong learning strate-  support that we receive from the Erasmus+ programme
          gies” was adopted. It is still in force and has increased   is of course a prerequisite. At national level, I would say
          the legitimacy of the network. Working for Euroguidance   that  during  these years, Euroguidance Sweden has
          has given me  great professional relationships and a   gone  from  a  completely  unknown  activity to a center
          working environment favorable to synergies, innova-  that most Swedish guidance practitioners know about,
          tions and exchanges.                                and an actor in the national guidance arena.

          Nina: I have greatly enjoyed the cooperation with EG   What do you see as the most important impacts of
          colleagues across Europe. If I must mention something,   Euroguidance work?
          it would be the dinner on a sailing ship during a network
          meeting in Malta and a Nordic-Baltic meeting in Iceland  Graziana: At  the international level, thanks to  its  evo-
          when we all visited the Blue Lagoon! To work together is   lution, I think that the network is now known and it is
          extremely rewarding, but the social part of our coopera-  an  interlocutor for other  international  bodies  working
          tion makes the work even more interesting and fun. The   in guidance (ICCDPP, CEDEFOP, IAEVG). At national
          best recent work memory is the writing of an academic   level, guidance is characterised by a multitude of pro-
          article together with Euroguidance colleagues for an   fessionals and bodies working in this field. The impact of
          international publication.                          the EG network remains modest, but it can be said that
                                                              the different ministries and decision-makers recognise
          How has the Euroguidance work changed during        the network. Its reputation and activities are known to
          these years?                                        professionals,  although  the  financial  and  human  re-
                                                              sources have remained constant since its creation. We
          Graziana: The network has grown with a consequent   have succeeded in building up a loyal network of lifelong
          number of resource centres at the time of the succes-  professionals.
          sive enlargements of the EU. It has been structured little
          by little, helped by the digital evolution, and now it has   Nina: I must begin by highlighting the importance of
          a steering group and working groups. In recent years,   international exchange and cooperation for peace and
          a lot of work has been done to develop communica-   democratic development. Through this work we contrib-
          tions. Emphasis has also been placed on the quality of   ute to the competence development of guidance practi-
          services. All these developments  have led to a better   tioners when they get the opportunity to exchange expe-
          functioning organisation, a better visibility of the net-  riences and practices between countries. Furthermore,
          work and they have contributed to its recognition by the    by enhancing their knowledge in mobility guidance, we
          stakeholders.                                       contribute to young persons’ career development  and
                                                              their active participation in the society.

            Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022
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