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          lifelong guidance;  promote European opportunities for  at both national and Network level, cooperation takes
          learning mobility and career management (through the   place with Europass, EQF-NCP contact points, EURES,
          Europass portal).                                   Eurodesk,  ENIC-NARIC  agencies, Europe  Direct and
                                                              Eurydice. Memoranda of understanding have also been
          The Euroguidance Network and its members carry out   agreed with the International Association for Education-
          activities at national, regional, European, and global   al and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) and the European
          level. These activities include the coordination and deliv-  Basic Skills Network (EBSN) to develop and promote
          ery of professional competence training, the facilitation   relevant long-term strategic cooperation. Euroguidance
          of professional learning  exchanges,  the development   maintains close links with the Cedefop expert network
          and communication of targeted learner mobility oppor-  CareersNet, with some of  the Euroguidance  Network
          tunities, the  organising  of  seminars, conferences and   colleagues  serving  as  CareersNet  national  experts.
          recognition events, the development of guidance tools
          and resources, the promotion of digital approaches and  The future of Euroguidance
          the production, compiling and dissemination of guidance   Initially,  Euroguidance  centres were information pro-
          research, publications, and studies.                viders and mobility promoters. However, their role has

                                                              gradually shifted, whereby many centres contribute to
          The “New Ways of Working” organises the network into
          three main task groups (MTGs) and a Steering Group   the development of guidance services and policies, not
          (SG) to help achieve Network goals through coordinated   only in their countries, but at the European level as well.
          joint action plans. The  main objectives of  the  SG  are   This will continue.
          to assure the sustainable development of the Network,   The COVID-19 pandemic  demonstrated that the Net-
          a prominent level of engagement by Network members   work was able to adapt to “the new normal” developing
          and proactive  communication  with the international   relevant online webinars, courses, events, and remote
          guidance  community.  The different MTGs deal  with   study visits in contingency support of the guidance com-
          specific themes - the ‘European dimension in guidance’,   munity. The war in Ukraine and the subsequent Network
          ‘competence  development’ and ‘information  provision   efforts in providing tools, articles, and webinars on ap-
          and  communication’.  Biannual  network  meetings  are   proaches to career guidance with refugees also demon-
          linked to EU Presidency periods and remain important   strate  the  importance  and  flexibility  of  the  Network  in
          events to discuss and agree upon issues relevant to the   unstable times. The consequences of these events on
          whole Network.
                                                              our community remain to be seen, but the importance
          Geographically based cooperation such as the ‘Nordic-   of investing in skills, coupled with effective career guid-
          Baltic Group’ and French-speaking  Euroguidance  cen-  ance have been clearly demonstrated.
          tres has developed within the Network over the years   Euroguidance  looks forward to harnessing  the power
          for mutual  support and  development  of joint  products   of this experienced and resilient expert Network in the
          and  events. Additionally, the ‘Academia  Network’ and   years ahead, assisting the guidance community by ad-
          the ‘Euroguidance Cross Border Seminar Group’ (CBS)   dressing challenges through cooperation with the Com-
          organise Europe wide events for guidance practitioners   mission and other lifelong learning and career guidance
          and experts, enabling the exchange of professional ex-  stakeholders.
          periences and networking.

          Joint efforts and synergies across networks are key to
          successfully promoting the tools that support common         Kjersti Monen-Macaulay, Euroguidance Norway
          policy goals at European level to citizens. To that end,               David Cullen, Euroguidance Ireland

            Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022
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