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          What have you personally learnt from this  work?    those of globalisation, climate change and its conse-
                                                              quences, and the development of digital technology. It
          Graziana: I have learnt that guidance systems are di-  will have to contribute to the transformation of systems
          verse and the professionals working in this sector are   by offering services adapted to guidance professionals.
          heterogeneous, which can be a source of inspiration.   It is important to keep a structured European organ-
          There is a need to always communicate, disseminate in-  isation to have the support of decision makers. The
          formation and make the network known. Working for Eu-  network remains a small network which has created its
          roguidance has enabled me to reaffirm the importance   own notoriety, but which must constantly maintain its
          of guidance in the choice of studies and in moments of   communication and create partnerships.
          professional transition. This network has also reinforced
          my belief in the need to continue building Europe to face   Nina: Staying relevant for the European guidance com-
          the challenges of the future. The network needs stable   munity in our fast-developing world is a challenge. The
          members, who can invest and contribute to its functioning.   network can support the national level – we have scarce
                                                              personnel resources. Another challenge is to include all
          Nina: I learn new things every day because of all the   members of the network in the common work, so that
          different contexts that the Euroguidance work brings. In-  all would feel ownership. Part  of  the  challenge  here
          teresting conversations and lectures are part of the daily   is  to  find  good  solutions  for  the  financing  of  common
          work, which helps to stay up to date in lifelong guidance,   activities. An external challenge is the current reporting
          lifelong learning, and working life. Multicultural cooper-  and application procedures that do not fit our long-term
          ation and communication can also be mentioned as a   activities but treat us as temporary projects. I think we
          competence gained through Euroguidance  work.  Fur-  all must consider how we can contribute to the goals of
          thermore, it is interesting to get an insight into the work   inclusive and green mobility and how we can widen the
          of various international bodies.
                                                              participation in the Erasmus+ and in other exchange

          What do you see as the biggest challenges for the   programmes. The crucial role of career guidance in sup-
          future?                                             porting lifelong learning and in encouraging a better use
                                                              of EU transparency and recognition tools needs to be
          Graziana: The network will have to face up to the chal-  highlighted. We need to support the guidance commu-
          lenges in the society and guidance in general: these are   nity in continuous competence development.

                               Nina Ahlroos is a political                       Graziana Boscato has an
                               scientist who slipped into                        academic background as a
                               the guidance field. She has                       psychologist. She has made
                               worked for Euroguidance                           her career in school guidance
                               Sweden for 19 years and                           and is the Director of a guidance
                               is also active as an IAEVG                        centre. Her career has taken
                               national correspondent and                        place in a cross-border and Eu-
                               a national expert for Career-                     ropean context. She has been
                               sNet. She functioned as the                       working for the Euroguidance
                               chairperson of the Euroguid-                      network since its creation and is
                               ance network for 3 years.                         a national expert for CEDEFOP.

            The Euroguidance Network wants to thank warm-       You can find a separate interview with Dóra at:
            ly, long term Euroguidance professionals, Gra-
            ziana Boscato and Dóra Stefansdottir for their      professionals-deserve-all-support-they-can-get
            energy and commitment in the network and wish
            them a pleasant and enjoyable new passage in
            life, due to retirement.
                                                                    Interviewer, Satu Ryynänen, Euroguidance Finland

            Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2/2022
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