Page 18 - the_danish_education_system
P. 18
Education grant
and loan scheme
Through the State Educational Grant and Loan Danish students can generally obtain support
Scheme (SU), the Danish state provides financial for studies abroad if the courses meet the same
support to all Danes over the age of 18 enrolled conditions for recognition as Danish courses and
in a youth or higher education programme. There programmes. Foreign students are entitled to
are two main support programmes: educational support if they can be given equal
status. For support for studies abroad, foreign stu-
– Students undertaking youth dents also have to meet requirements regarding
education programmes. their association with Denmark.
– Students enrolled in higher
education programmes. The State also provides financial support for adults
in adult education and continuing training.
In combination with both types of grants, stu-
dents can also make use of supplementary state
loans. Around 50% of all students make use of
these state loans.
For more information, please see