Page 20 - the_danish_education_system
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                    Quality assurance

                              The standard and quality of educational provision   lity and relevance standards. For all institutions
                              in the Danish higher education system are assured   of higher education, accreditation is mandatory
                              by a number of elements, including:        and a precondition for attaining public funding
                                                                         based on the 2013 Act on the Accreditation of
                              –  Common rules and  guidelines  (curricula)   Institutions of Higher Education. The Danish Qua-
                                 specifying the aims, contents and duration   lifications Framework has been incorporated into
                                 of programmes and individual subjects.   the quality criteria of the accreditation system.
                              –  Testing and examination system, with the use   The Act changes the system of accreditation from
                                 of national boards of external examiners.   programme accreditation to institution accredi-
                                                                         tation. Institutions with a positive institution ac-
                              –  Ministerial approval of provision and inspec-  creditation are entitled to establish and offer new
                                 tion in a varying degree within the different   study programmes after these have been pre-qua-
                                 education areas.                        lified and approved. Institutions that have not yet
                                                                         obtained a positive institution accreditation still
                              –  Accreditation of higher education institutions   need to have their study programmes accredited
                                 by the Danish Accreditation Institution.   by the Danish Accreditation Institution (AI).

                              Denmark has, as part of the Bologna Process, im-  Within the area of higher education, the Danish
                              plemented the European Standards and Guideli-  Evaluation Institute (EVA) conducts different ty-
                              nes (ESG) for the quality assurance of the higher   pes of cross-sectoral evaluations that can contri-
                              educations, and all public higher education study   bute new knowledge and lead to development
                              programmes must meet these international qua-  in the sector.

                                         For more information, please see and

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