Page 19 - the_danish_education_system
P. 19

Career guidance

                              Provision of high quality guidance services is im-  Guidance on general adult education and continu-
                              portant at all levels of the education system. Star-  ing vocational education and training is provided
                              ting with general career education in grade 1 in   by 13 regional adult education and training cen-
                              the Folkeskole and guidance from grade 7, pupils   tres offering guidance for adults and companies.
                              are gradually prepared for making their first educa-
                              tional and vocational decisions. Career learning   A national guidance portal – the “Education
                              activities are obligatory throughout compulsory   Guide”: – provides comprehensive in-
                              school and are a shared responsibility for schools   formation on education and training possibilities
                              and guidance centres.                      at all levels, professions, labour market conditions
                                                                         and statistics. A national e-guidance centre provi-
                              Two types of independent guidance centres provi-  des users with online guidance service seven days
                              de guidance in relation to the transitions from one   a week. It is linked to the guidance portal and can
                              level of the education system to another:   be reached at

                              –  56 Youth Guidance Centres (”Ungdommens
                                 Uddannelsesvejledning”) focus on the transi-
                                 tion from compulsory to youth education.

                              –  7 Regional Guidance Centres (”Studievalg”)
                                 deal with the transition from youth education
                                 to higher education.

                                         For more information please see

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