Page 16 - the_danish_education_system
P. 16
Grading scale
The current grading system in Denmark was implemented in 2006: the 7-point grading scale. In tests
and examinations students are given an assessment on the basis of the grading scale below. According
to the rules governing the individual study programmes, the grades must be documented by test,
examination or leaving certificates.
Grade Description ECTS Old scale
For an excellent performance displaying a high level
12 of command of all aspects of the relevant material, A 13
with no or only a few minor weaknesses 11
For a very good performance displaying a high level
10 of command of most aspects of the relevant materi- B 10
al, with only minor weaknesses
For a good performance displaying good
7 command of the relevant material but also some C 9
weaknesses 8
For a fair performance displaying some
4 command of the relevant material but D 7
also some major weaknesses
For a performance meeting only the
02 minimum requirements for acceptance E 6
For a performance which does not meet
00 the minimum requirements for acceptance Fx 5
For a performance which is unacceptable
-3 in all respects F 00