Resources for guidance professionals working with refugees #StandWithUkraine

Career guidance professionals and services across Europe have long been supporting and advocating for migrants and refugees to gain new perspectives in education and on the labor market, after critical disruption to people’s careers and educational pathways.
The full-scale war of aggression by Russian forces on Ucraine has so far spreading death and destruction in Ucraine. It is not only an attack on innocent people; it is also an attack on the education, society and institutions of the country. Read more on the one year of Ukrainian resistance.
The Euroguidance network has updated the list of articles, resources and tools that might be of help to the guidance community in supporting the newly arrived.
Information by the European Commission and UNHCR
- EU Solidarity with Ucraine - The EU and its international partners are united in condemning Putin's aggression on Ukraine. We will provide support to those seeking shelter and we will help those looking for a safe way home. The EU will continue to offer strong political, financial and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and impose hard-hitting sanctions against Russia and those complicit in the war.
- EU information for people fleeing the war in Ucraine
- One year of Ukrainian resistance
- Ucraine emergency communication by UNHCR
Support and resources provided by European Networks and European Commission
- ETF (European Training Foundation) resource hub to support recognition, education and work for the people fleeing the Russian invasion in Ukraine and ETF Ukraine Country Page
- EURES "EU Talent Pool Pilot initiative" for people fleeing the war in Ukraine
- Euraxess supporting researchers of Ukraine by providing them with an overview of all existing actions at European and national levels
- Science4Refugees initiative (EURAXESS)
- ENIC-NARIC Country Page Ukraine and ENIC Ukraine
- Preliminary results: DG EMPL Survey on integration of Ukrainian refugees in Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- School Education Gateway - Classrooms and school administrations across the continent have mobilised to express solidarity with Ukraine.
Transparency tools
- Europass
The Europass CV is one of the best-known CV formats in Europe. It is easy-to-use and familiar to employers and education institutions. You can create, store and share CVs in 30 languages, including Ukrainian.
- Comparison report
of European Qualifications Framework and Ukrainian National Qualifications Framework - EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals
The multilingual tool (including Ukrainian language) helps to map the skills, qualifications and work experiences of the third country nationals and to give them personalised advice on further steps. - MYSKILLS
MYSKILLS test gives visibility to informally or non-formally acquired skills acquired abroad for 30 professions in twelve languages.
- Jonna Linde, Joakim Lindgren and Åsa Sundelin: High-stakes counselling: uncertainty, complexity and ethical dilemmas for career counsellors working with asylum-seeking youths
- Ronald G. Sultana: The labour market integration of migrants and refugees: career guidance and the newly arrived
- Barbara Kuss and Mats Mikiver: “Trauma and Learning” (EPALE Article)
- The FAMN project is helping young recent immigrants to Sweden gain qualifications at folk high schools (EPALE Article)
- Euroguidance Cross Border Seminar 2016 “Cross Cultural Guidance and International Careers - Integrating Migrants and Minorities”
Recorded webinars and podcasts
- Åsa Sundelin: Social justice at work. On power relations, inclusion and recognition in the career guidance practice
- Tristram Hooley, Ronald Sultana, Marcelo Alfonso Ribeiro and Anna Bilon: Webinar on "Career guidance for social justice"
- Cedefop podcast: Access to jobs for refugees to help tackle the Ukrainian crisis
- Cedefop podcast: Jobs for refugees in the face of the Ukrainian crisis
- Erasmus+ Aademia+ C-Step “Counselling migrants and refugees” (developed by partners in DE, PT, UK, LU and LT)
- Erasmus+ Career Path (final conference and products) (HU, CZ and HR)
- Erasmus+ CMinaR - Counselling for Refugee and Migrant Integration into the Labour Market – Development of Courses for Higher Education and Public Employment Services (DE, IT, LT, SE, TR, UK)
- Erasmus+ Fast Lane to the Labour Market (DE, NL, BE, IT, AT)
- Erasmus+ R/EQUAL – Requalification of (recently) immigrated and refugee teachers in Europe (DE, AT, ES)
- Erasmus+ ARENA (Refugees and recognition)
- Ressources of psychological first aid, psychological care and support from WHO and Solentra, Belgium