Survey on multi-stakeholder cooperation and partnerships in career guidance

Survey on multi-stakeholder cooperation and partnerships in career guidance

In recent years, regional, national and European policies have stressed the crucial need to increase cooperation and synergy research between…

Survey on Update of the European Guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning

Survey on Update of the European Guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning

The European Commission and Cedefop are currently updating the European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning. The purpose of…

Public consultation on Individual learning accounts launched Have your say

Public consultation on Individual learning accounts launched. Have your say!

Individual learning accounts give people of working age a budget to spend on training to improve their skills and employability.…

Available Now Euroguidance Highlights 2020

*Available Now* Euroguidance Highlights 2020

We are happy to share with you the Euroguidance Network 2020 ‘Highlights’ publication. This publication provides an overview of the…

Report on 7th European Conference on Counselling and Vocational Training

Report on 7th European Conference on Counselling and Vocational Training

The 7th European Conference on Counselling and Vocational Training: “Remote Guidance Provision – Theory and Practice" took place on 9…

Lifelong Guidance in Estonia 2021

Lifelong Guidance in Estonia 2021

"Lifelong Guidance in Estonia 2021" gives you an overview about strategic view, guidance provision, qualifications for professionals and many other…

New opportunities Erasmus  2021-2027

New opportunities Erasmus + 2021-2027

The new Erasmus+ programme for 2021-2027 has been launched and is full of new opportunities. Erasmus+ has a lot to…

Register now for the Academia online training courses on quotDemographic Changequot taking place in May

Register now for the Academia+ online training courses on "Demographic Change" taking place in May

The Academia+ online training courses on "Demographic Change” will be held as a 4 day online training course with a…

Career Guidance for Adults in a changing world of work

Career Guidance for Adults in a changing world of work

The OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs has undertaken a programme of work on the functioning, effectiveness and…

How to empower individuals in a changing world

How to empower individuals in a changing world?

The EU agency Cedefop has published a so-called "briefing note", in which they summarise how various initiatives can strengthen the…

Adoption of Action Plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights

Adoption of Action Plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights

With the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, announced on 4 March 2021, the European Commission proposes new actions…

Results of webinar  quotCareer Guidance policy and practice during the pandemicquot available now

Results of webinar "Career Guidance policy and practice during the pandemic" available now

Cedefop, ILO, ETF, the European Commission, ICCDPP, OECD and UNESCO jointly implemented a flash international survey in June and August…

Best practices when working with NEETs

Best practices when working with NEETs

A new brochure describes seven outputs from the European Erasmus KA2 Project “Youth in Transition” which was conducted from October…

Results of Euroguidance Cross Border Seminars

Results of Euroguidance Cross Border Seminars

Euroguidance Cross Border Seminars (CBS) bring together guidance counsellors, policy makers, experts and other practitioners from different European countries to…

Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning Issue 9 is online

Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning Issue 9 is online!

The new issue of the IJCLP (Volume 9, Issue 1), is now online. Next to the Editorial "The Medium and…

A lookback to 039Your skills and jobs039 online week

A lookback to 'Your skills and jobs' online week

Organised by the Commission between the 30th of November and 4th December 2020, the event provided students, young people looking…

New Europass  revamped for users and guidance counsellors

New Europass – revamped for users and guidance counsellors

The new Europass enables users to display, document and share their skills, qualifications and experience from every stage of their…

Erasmus programme 2021-2027

Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027

After a political agreement had been reached on the new Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027 in December 2020, the Erasmus+ programme started…

Guidance 039Podcast039 Series

Guidance 'Podcast' Series

The National Centre for Guidance in Education (NCGE) / Euroguidance Ireland 'Podcast' aims to broaden the perspective of Guidance in…

Career guidance policy and practice in the pandemic Results of a joint international survey June to August 2020

Career guidance policy and practice in the pandemic: Results of a joint international survey June to August 2020

In light of the growing negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on national labour markets and people’s lives and livelihoods,…