P. 26

7      Administrative stages                                                        Driving licence
                                                                                             By convention, in the European Union and European Economic Area (EEA), a
                                                                                             French driving licence may be used regardless of the duration of the stay. In other
        Training contract                                                                    countries, this is only possible for a period of three months to one year, depending
        The contract is the basic document; it is the contract which sets out the rights and   on the country. After that, a local licence must be obtained; or ask the Prefecture
        duties of each party. Even without remuneration, it enables the trainee to have a
        status, which is necessary to be insured, or obtain a repatriation certificate, for   for an international driving permit (free and valid for three years).
        example.                                                                             Register of French abroad
        In the case of a course integrated into the student's training curriculum, the usual   Being registered in the register of French nationals abroad simplifies administrative
        tripartite institution/trainee/business model contract is generally sufficient. It is   and customs procedures:
        advisable to clarify it with the employer and to suggest a version in his own language  Ministry  and  its  network/Directories  and  address  of
        (to get closer to his establishment). The Eduscol website offers professional high   DEAID/French Embassies and Consulates abroad.
        school students internship agreements in German, English, Spanish, Italian and
        Polish:                                                                              Taxes          When you are taxable in France or dependent on a person taxable in France,
        etranger.html                                                                        income received in France, including income received abroad, must be declared
        Sometimes it may be necessary to use local contractualisation or conventioning       on the tax return form n°2042.
        arrangements, as is the case in Italy.                                               The salaries or allowances of courses received by French students or apprentices
        Identity papers                                                                      benefit from a tax exemption on income, to the amount of four times the minimum
        In the European Union and in France's neighbouring of Monaco, Switzerland and        wage over a year.
        Andorra, a valid identity card is sufficient to get there. For other countries, it is   In this way, on the declared course allowances (that being the entire allowance),
        necessary to have a valid passport.                                                  only the  difference between the total  amount and  the annual  ceiling indicated
        Documents can be stored on the www.mon.service-public.frsite, as they will be        above (about 4,000€) is subject to tax on income.
        secure and downloadable there, in case of theft or loss.                             European Youth Card
        For a stay of less than three months, European nationals are not required to request   This is a European programme launched  under the aegis of EYCA (European
        a document certifying that they may stay in the country. After three months, this    Youth Card Association) which allows young people between the age of 12 and
        step is mandatory in most of the countries in the EU. In addition, some countries    30 to take advantage of more than 60 000 opportunities in the field of leisure,
        require that presence be reported even for stays of less than 3 months:              transport, culture, sport and education in 35 countries, for the sum of 10 euros: 
                                                                                             International student card
        Visa                                                                                 This card allows student status to be proved all over the world, and allows holders
        The European Union is a space of free movement where the visa is not mandatory,      to benefit from many reductions. It costs 13 euros and is valid for 1 year:
        but students must be able to prove an address and their identity. Outside Europe,
        certain administrative steps may be added (visa, authorisation by the Government
        of the trainee's host country, compliance with quotas established by Governments,
        etc). This makes it take longer and be more complicated and costly to search for
        courses outside the European Union.
        In most countries there are specific visas for work experience carried out by young
        people. Apply to the embassies concerned to learn the steps required to obtain

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