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6 Internship financing or direct from the International Relations Department of the institution attended.
– Possible help Grants for higher education
Course costs You can also learn about the grants awarded in the context of bilateral agreements
The financial cost of the course must be calculated, and a budget established. or integrated pathways when the course is mandatory in the study curriculum,
Firms which pay a sum equivalent to a salary are very rare. Allowances for courses such as those at the Université franco-allemande:
are very variable and may be summed up as a share of the costs of transport,
meals or housing facilities. If the course is salaried, it does not normally provide Inquire at the university's international relations department.
an income sufficient to meet the candidate's needs. For all these reasons, it is
important to be properly organized well before departure.
Other grants
Possible help Grants from the Office Franco-Québécois pour la Jeunesse (OFQJ): This
Grants in the context of a programme, or a bilateral agreement programme is addressed to all students or trainees in technical and vocational
Erasmus+ programme bursaries education at all levels who wish to take a courses in their field of training within a
The ERASMUS+ programme may finance mobilities for courses which are studied
in professional teaching, or teaching in higher education, (after the first year of Quebec company or institution:
graduate studies), in full-time training or as a student, provided that the original /students, apprentices.
establishment or the CFA has signed the Erasmus+ Charter.
For vocational education: The Office Franco-Allemand pour la Jeunesse (OFAJ) offers scholarships for practical courses in Germany during vocational/technological training:
For higher education:
Scholarship from the Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF): for young
Regional, local and departmental level help graduates of some Master 1-2 (or equivalent):
Several of the larger regions offer scholarships for international courses. Get
information direct on their Internet sites. Be careful as the award criteria vary
from one region to the other. stage
For more information, also look at regional aid on
financer sa mobilité. René Lasserre mobility aids from CIERA: for students in at least Master's 1 who
Some departmental councils also provide scholarships. Find information on the have been studying the humanities and social sciences in a French institution
website of your home Département. This is also the case in some communes, in of higher education for at least one year, for a course in a German or German-
particular where twin towns are involved. speaking institution or company
The CROUS Aid to International Mobility (AIM)
Recipients of higher education grants on the basis of social criteria, or beneficiaries Foundation grants: Some foundations fund mobility projects for courses abroad,
of an annual allowance (specific aid plan) can obtain this mobility scholarship. for example the Fondation Ledoux: for IUT students aged under 35 for courses
Go to CROUS ( to find out about the methods of allocation, abroad for a duration of three to six months
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