Page 1 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-spring
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Euroguidance Insight

                                                                                         In this issue:
           April 2013

     Interview with Małgorzata Rosalska:                                              Sweden: New investments in
     “Diagnosis is an integral part of

     the counselling process.”                                                       ELGPN: Work programme

                                    Phd. Małgorzata Rosalska  is the author  of
                                    the  publication  “Diagnostic  Workshop  of  a
                                    Career Counsellor”. She is working as an ed-     Prof.  Sultana:  The role of
                                    ucator,  career  counsellor  and  Associated
                                                                                     guidance in difficult times
                                    Professor of Adult Education at the Depart-

                                    ment of Continuing Education and Vocation-
                                    al  Guidance,  Faculty  of  Educational  Studies   Czech Republic/Slovakia:
                                    at  the  Adam  Mickiewicz  University  in  Poz-  NCCA — an award to support
                                    nań/Poland.    Rosalska  specialises  in  career   the  guidance  community
                                    guidance    and  diagnostic  methods  in  guid-

                                    ance  institutions.  She  has  participated  in
                                    many research and training projects for edu-     Poland: Survey results on the
                                    cational  institutions,  non-profit  organiza-   career counseling system
                                    tions and employment.

      What was the reason for your deci- concern.  I  want  to  know  the  rea- How  long  should  a  diagnosis  in  a
      sion to use diagnostic tools in vo- sons why they pay so much atten- counselling process last?
      cational guidance?                   tion  to the results of tests. I  won- For me, diagnosis is an integral part
      There  were  many    reasons.  I  have  dered  about  the  real  possibilities  of  the  counselling  process.  There
      been  working  with  students  for  for  diagnosis  use  throughout  the  are  various  styles  of  counselling
      many  years  developing  their  diag- counselling process.               work.    In  the  beginning  there
      nostic  competence  in  vocational                                       should  be  diagnostic  exercises,
      guidance.  I  have  contact  with  ca- What should a counsellor consider  tests  and  so  on.  Based  on  the  re-
      reer  counsellors  in  comprehensive  when  using  diagnostic  tools  in  sults  of  these  tests,  the  counsellor
      schools  too.  I  also  work  with  stu- schools?                        should  start  his/her  guidance  ser-
      dents  from  secondary  schools.  I  It depends mainly on the student’s  vice.  I  perceive  diagnosis  as  a pro-
      have  noticed  that  there  is  a  huge  age, the situation and the counsel- cess  of  exploration  and  deepening
      demand     for   diagnostic   tools.       ling  process.  In  my  opinion  it  is  information.  It  is  a  process  of
      Both  counsellors  and  their  clients  most important for a young person  searching  for  information  to  help
      seek simple answers for “big” ques- to  develop  a  reflection  of  his/her  the  student  to  understand  his/her
      tions. They attach an enormous im- own  resources  and  capabilities  as  situation  as  well  as  a  valuable  aid
      portance  to  the  results  of  tests  or  well  as  his/her  dreams and aspira- for decision-making.
      questionnaires  when  preparing  a  tions. If a student gets to know him-
      career or educational plan. They try  self/herself better, it will be easier  What features should one develop
      to make a decision on that basis. In  for him/her to decide what educa- to become a good diagnostician?
      my point of view it’s a  situation for  tional path to take.             First  of  all,  he/she  should  develop
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