Page 7 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-spring
P. 7
part in lessons dedicated to career Short News On top of this, the full version contains
counselling. They stated that those research which was undertaken in the
lessons were not often organized. New Handbook network on the current structures, con-
The Network for Innovation in Career
Decisions to choose a profession or tents and approaches of career profes-
Guidance & Counselling in Europe (NICE)
further education are made without sionals in higher education in Europe. It
considering essentials and substan- published a handbook for academic train- also contains a chapter on innovative
ing of career guidance and counselling
tive arguments. Opinions of school themes for academic training.
professionals. The handbook offers scien-
colleagues and family take prece- NICE stands for “Network for Innovation in Career
dence. Needs of the regional labour tifically based arguments for training ca- Guidance & Counselling in Europe and aims at
reer professionals in higher education contributing to the implementation of the Europe-
market are not considered to be im- an Lifelong Learning Programme. From 2009 to
portant factors when making those 2012 it was funded by the European Commission.
decisions. Research participants There are two different versions of the
were convinced that a system of ca- handbook (short and full version) which Book on Career Guidance
reer counselling should be devel- can be ordered in print from A new book on Career Guidance in Com-
oped in the following years. [email protected] munities has been published in Denmark.
or be downloaded here: There is an emerging interest for this
Full report is available only in Polish. item in Denmark – maybe also in other newsdetails00.html? countries?
plik=Raport%20koncowy%20Stan%20i% &cHash=c0e5b74eb3&tx_ttnews%
20rola%20doradzwa%20zawodowego% For more information see:
20wojew%C3%B3dzwa%20warmi%C5% 5btt_news%5d=31. career-guidance-in-communities/
84sko-mazurskiego.pdf The short version addresses a broader
Anna Dziedzic & Jerzy Bielecki/ EG Poland (education audience and comprises primarily central
sector) concepts (e.g. NICE core competences).
Clarissa Cordroch (responsible)/Euroguidance Germany
Hilary Lynch/Euroguidance Ireland
Dovile Rudzenske/Euroguidance Lithuania
Scripts are very welcome and should be sent to the following email address: [email protected]