Page 2 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-spring
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reflection  and  cautiousness.  These  However, my experience shows that  is  always  good,  as  is  the  develop-
     features  allow  him/her  to  concen- the  most  useful  techniques  impel  ment  of  our  client.  Therefore,  the
     trate  on  the  students’  real  needs  students  to  demonstrate  their  per- most  important  diagnostic  question
     and to notice their expectations and,  spective  and  their  own way  of  per- for  me  is  to  know  the  student’s
     where  appropriate,  their  concerns.  ceiving  and  interpreting  the  tasks.  I  needs in order to wisely and respon-
     Furthermore, it is important to care  like to use art methods, the work on  sibly  plan  his  career  or  educational
     about  the  development  of  diagnos- metaphors  and  discussion  tech- path. This perspective simplifies the
     tic  techniques  as  well  as  to  adhere  niques. I often use behavioural tech- selection  of  specific  methods,  tech-
     to ethical standards and to constant- niques,  which  gives  the  client  the  niques and tools.
     ly keep up with new developments.  opportunity to analyse real and not
                                          just declared student resources.      The  interview  was  conducted  by  Anna  Sowińska/
                                                                                Euroguidance Poland (education sector) and Małgor-
     What  is  your  favourite  diagnostic                                      zata Rosak (employment sector).
     tool or technique and why is it so?   Could you give some advice?
     I always select diagnostic techniques  I  encourage  counsellors  not  to  per-
     according  to  the  purpose  pursued  ceive diagnosis as a main goal of ad-
     during a guidance process and to the  visory activity, but rather as a way to
     client’s  feature  with  whom  I  work.  achieve it. The purpose of diagnosis

      Guidance on the agenda in Sweden

      There are several measures in Swe-
      den  at  the  moment  aimed  at    im-
      proving and developing education-
      al  and  vocational  guidance.  New
      investments in guidance are made
      in the Swedish Budget Bill for 2013
      and    guidance    in   compulsory
      schools has become an area for in-
      spection. Furthermore, new guide-
      lines  for  the  use  of  legislation  are
      planned and a new guidance tool is
      being  developed  within  the  em-
      ployment service.

      In the Swedish Budget Bill 2013 one
      can  read  that  the  rapid  reforms  of         Swedish team for guidance at the ELGPN meeting in Dublin in February 2013
      the education system create a need  will be available  in 2014 and 2015.  based on three questions:
      for  special  competence  develop- In  addition,  the  Government  pro-
      ment activities to improve the quali- poses SEK 2 million in 2013 as well  •  Do  all  students  have  access  to
      ty  of  guidance.  It  is  also  said  that  as in 2014 be spent on further train- continuous guidance of such quality
      information and guidance needs to  ing  for  guidance  counsellors  in  up- that  they  can  make  informed  and
      be designed so that all students are  per secondary schools. This training  appropriate  choices  for  continued
      able to make informed choices. This  would  focuse  on  how  to  solve  the  education and careers?
      is  of  particular  importance  for  stu- difficulties  that  young  people  with
      dents  who  have  difficulties    within  disabilities experience in the labour  • Does the principal provide guide-
      the  education  system  and  who  do  market.                             lines  and  conditions  for  the  guid-
      not  have  parents  who  can  help                                        ance activities, so that they become
      them.  Therefore  the  Swedish  Gov- The  Swedish  School  Inspectorate  is  the  responsibility  of  the  whole
      ernment  proposes  an  allocation  of  just  finishing  a  review  of  guidance  school?
      SEK 10 million in 2013 (approx. 1.1  services in 34 compulsory schools in
      million EUR) for the training of guid- Sweden, with a focus on access and  • Do the municipalities take on the
      ance  counsellors  in  the main.    It  is  quality. The  results  will  be  pub- responsibility    that  guidance  ser-
      calculated  that  the  same  amount  lished during 2013 and the review is  vices in schools work in a satisfacto-
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