Page 3 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-spring
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ry manner? ence the development in a certain is also taking the first steps towards
direction. collaboration between stakeholders
To meet the demand of fulfilling the in this area. to this end, a forum for
need of guidance for students in all Also within the National Employ- national cooperation on educational
school forms, stated in the new ment Service active measures are and vocational guidance and school-
school law adopted in 2010, the being taken to improve and imple- working life was started last year.
Swedish National Agency for Educa- ment guidance services in the Swe- More information:
tion is currently working on new dish employment offices and a new
general guidelines and comments web-based tool for information
on career education and guidance about different professions and Nina Ahlroos/Euroguidance Sweden
in schools. The guidelines will pro- choice of occupation is currently
vide recommendations on how laws being developed.
and regulations should be applied
and promote a uniform use of the To conclude, guidance is currently
legislation. The aim is also to influ- on the national agenda and Sweden
Update on the ELGPN Work Programme 2013-14
The European Lifelong Guidance
Policy Network (ELGPN) is an alli-
ance of European countries found-
ed in 2007. It supports the devel-
opment of lifelong guidance in
both the education and the em-
ployment sectors. As a Member-
State-driven network, it represents
an innovative form of the Open
Method of Co-ordination in the Eu-
ropean Union (EU). The 2013-14
Work Programme is the fourth
phase in the development of the
The ELGPN promotes co-operation During the 2011-12 Work Pro- ELGPN publications, as well as to
between its 31 member countries in gramme ELGPN members devel- join the active ELGPN LinkedIn
implementing the priorities identi- oped a Resource Kit for policy- group and mailing list. Links to the
fied in Europe 2020 strategies and makers on lifelong guidance policy ELGPN LinkedIn group and the mail-
the EU Resolutions on Lifelong development. The Resource Kit, ing list subscription service can also
Guidance (2004; 2008). The Net- published in October 2012, provides be found on the ELGPN website.
work identifies lifelong guidance a focus for the current Work Pro-
policy issues for which there are gramme as members adapt, field Outi Ruusuvirta/ ELGPN Co-ordination unit
gaps in policy development and im- test, and apply it in their home
plementation at national level and countries. We encourage the Eu-
which merit collaborative action at roguidance centres to be in contact
EU level within four priority areas of with their national ELGPN delega-
career management skills, access to tions to examine the feasibility of
lifelong guidance services, quality the Resource Kit in their national
assurance and co-ordination & co- contexts and to make proposals for
operation between the various na- the improvement of this tool.
tional, regional and local stakehold- We also invite Euroguidance mem-
ers. In addition, ELGPN analyses EU bers to visit the ELGPN website
policies from a lifelong guidance ( for more infor-
perspective. mation on the Network and all the