Page 4 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-spring
P. 4

Strengthening guidance in turbulent  times:

     rights and responsibilities

      What role does career guidance have at time of youth unemployment,
      and  job  insecurity  throughout  Europe?  Professor  Sultana  devoted  his
      speech to this topic on the European Presidency Conference that took
      place in October 2012 in Larnaca/Cyprus.

      We  are  living  in  turbulent,  deeply  working  within  its  logic.  These  dif- with, communities.
      troubled  times.  I  will  not  rehearse  ferent  but  ultimately  closely  linked
      the damning statistics that are eve- versions  of  economic  management  Role of Career Guidance?
      ry  government’s  nightmare,  and  strove  to  restore  higher  rates  of  What then, in this scenario, is, and
      which  are  a  blight  on  Europe.  Nor  profit through deregulation, privati- should  be,  the  role  of  career  guid-
      do  any  of  us  need  reminding  that,  zation,  and  the  dismantling  of  the  ance?  In  this  situation,  is  career
      for millions of young people in Eu- public sector, reducing the barriers  guidance  yet  another  frill,  repre-
      rope who had believed in the gospel  to  global  trade  in  ways  that  led  to  senting yet another cost to govern-
      of  lifelong  learning,  and  invested  the export of jobs to cheaper labour  ments, or can one claim that it is a
      their  youth  in  education  and  train- markets, and to the disempowering  right,  a  service  which  citizens  are
      ing,  the  transition  to  economic  in- of workers. Such choices also led to  entitled to, part of a safety net that
      dependence and adulthood remains  what  turned  out  to  be  scandalous  supports  them  as  they  navigate
      truncated, unfulfilled, unachievable.  and  disastrous  de-regulation  of  fi- stormy  and  troubled  waters?  Gov-
      That  nightmare  is  shared  by  those  nancial  markets,  often  thanks  to  ernments are quick to impose aus-
      who  do  find  employment,  but  in  collusions  between  the  financial  terity on citizens, who have to pay
      jobs that, far from being knowledge and  political  elites,  resulting  in  the  for badly managed and badly imag-
      -rich,  make  little  use  of  the  skills  exposure  of  ordinary  citizens  to  ined  economies.  To  curtail,  with-
      and  competences  that  have  been  huge risks.                           draw,  or  fail  to  offer  support–one
      patiently  accumulated,  often  at  This  imperative  of  “freedom”  is  could  argue—is  nothing  less  an  af-
      great  cost  to  themselves  and  their  lived  as  ambivalence,  confusion,  front, adding insult to injury. In this
      families. Many adults too share the  doubt,  fear,  failure  and  anxiety,  as  scenario,  should  career  guidance
      precarity  and  insecurity  that  marks  the individualized, competitive sub- practitioners  allow  themselves  to
      the life of so many other citizens, as  jects  of  neoliberalism  attempt  to  be absorbed by the dominant logic,
      industry seeks flexibility in order to  live  out  their  freedoms  in  such  a  the  master  discourse  of  our  times
      remain  competitive,  giving  short  way  as  to  maximize  individual  po- that seeks to hold responsible indi-
      shrift to the conditions that Europe  tential and thence their competitive  viduals,  by  promoting  career  man-
      has  struggled  for  centuries  to  advantage. In education as much as  agement skills as the ultimate solu-
      achieve, conditions which set out to  in  the  labour  market,  that  self- tion,  inadvertently  implying  that
      ensure  that  human  dignity  and  a  centred  individualism  is  promoted  structural  problems  can  be  solved
      decent  standard  of  living  for  all  by an array of concepts and strate- through the bravura of individuals?
      would not be sacrificed in the inter- gies to which career guidance is not  Or  should  career  guidance  be  re-
      ests of capital.                     a  stranger:  individual  education  imagined  in  ways  that  pay  more
                                           plans, individualised programmes of  than  lip-service  to  collective  forms
      What led to this situation?          study,  personal  action  planning,  of solidarity? How, if at all, can ca-
      Governments  across  Europe  have  personal  life  projects,  individual  reer guidance contribute to a social-
      adopted  varieties  of  economic  ne- learning  accounts,  individualised  ly just engagement with citizens in a
      oliberalism, ranging from those that  skills  profiles,  personalised  life  de- context  where  social  justice  is  in-
      were prepared to allow the market  sign…one  and  all  transpose  social  creasingly absent, and where words
      to  direct  the  fate  of  citizens,  to  upheavals  to  the  level  of  the  indi- like empowerment, social inclusion,
      those that experimented with ‘Third  vidual, ironically using the language  and  social  cohesion  have  come  to
      Way’,  so-called  ‘inclusive  liberal- of empowerment and of rights, for- stand for the exact opposite of what
      ism’,  which  strove  to  temper  the  getting that rights can only be sus- they are meant to signify, given that
      impact  of  the  market,  while  still  tained  by,  and  in  interdependence  they  relate  to  a  context  which,  by
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