Page 6 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-spring
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leave, disadvantaged groups and In 2012 the closer cooperation be- guidance practitioners.
employees. tween Czech and Slovak EG centre The cooperation on the Contest
began. Common history of the
(preparation or/and dissemination)
The topic of the contest in 2012 in Czech Republic and Slovakia, similar
has proved to be beneficial and it is
the Czech and Slovak Republics has cultural and social background, and, welcomed by all involved parties.
been Career Management Skills and last but not least, the absence of a
The possibilities for further coopera-
the Award was running under the language barrier enabled thesharing tion are wide and include common
motto “I develop myself, thus I am.” of good practice between these two compendiums, common internation-
Services and initiatives supporting countries. In the end of the last year
al conference or common study visit
development of career management the common Compendium with con-
for the winners of the National Ca-
skills have been assessed according tributions from both Czech and Slo- reer Counselling Award from all
to following aspects: vak NCCA was published in printed
countries. It remains a question for
1. Description of the service/ and electronic form. Apart from this, the future whether more countries
achievement, a short booklet in English with con-
are going to be interested in the
2. Methodology of the service, tributions from Czech Republic, Slo-
similar activity…
3. Supporting the development of vakia and Bulgaria was prepared in
career management skills, cooperation with Bulgarian col-
4. Evaluation of services, leagues. The winning examples from Kateřina Hašková/ Euroguidance Czech Republic;
5. Qualification of providers, all three countries may serve as an Stefan Grajcar/Euroguidance Slovakia
6. Case study. inspiration for other counsellors or
Guidelines for the development of career counselling system in
The National Centre for Supporting The report contains results of a sur- of collected research material, the
Vocational and Continuing Educa- vey related to the challenge of de- conclusions are as follows:
tion (NSVC) launched the Project fining career counselling by the re-
In mentioned voidovships there is
“Developing the career counselling spondents. The following were in-
lack of a coordinated network of ca-
model and elaborating online sys- herent issues: reer counselling. Moreover in many
tem of educational and occupation-
the organisation of career coun- districts were noticed some differ-
al information” on behalf of the
selling system at schools; ences referred to this.
Ministry of National Education in problems of the career counsel-
2009. In 2011 NSVC undertook re- Some districts have developed a ca-
ling system;
search on the results of the project reer counselling network (e.g Elblag)
activities of regional institutions in
entitled “Condition and Function of the area of career counselling. while in other districts counselling is
Career Counselling in the Selected accidentally provided by teachers in
Counties of Warmia and Mazury Opinions were gathered from re- school. These actions are based on
Voivodeship”, which was part of gional institution representatives, some kind of form of lessons or
the project mentioned initially. school directors, employment coun- meeting with students.
sellors and students concerning the
The survey was targeted at repre- The majority of investigated schools
need and importance of career
sentatives on central and province counselling. Opinions of graduates do not run their own career coun-
level including institutions, employ- selling system in-house. In addition,
and parents were presented as well.
ers, representatives of regional insti- the majority of schools do not em-
Due to the presented survey results,
tutions, school directors, guidance (which included the opinions of all ploy specialists of this area and do
counsellors, students and parents. not have well-equipped classrooms
participants of the career counsel-
The main focus of the project was to for lessons conducted by such spe-
ling system) it was possible to create
examine career counselling provi- a complete image of career counsel- cialists. Only a minority of school
sions in schools within the counties students indicated conversation
ling in the surveyed province and to
of Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship articulate problems and related dif- with the guidance counsellor as an
and to define the possibility of de- important source of learning about
veloping a career counselling system schools and occupations. School stu-
in Polish schools. According to the conducted analysis dents (and graduates) rarely take