Page 4 - euroguidance-insight-2017-autumn
P. 4


           How to Measure Quality in Guidance?

          “     Most countries share the challenge of defining and measuring the impact of their guidance

                service. Word- of- mouth recommendations have long been considered as best practice for
                marketing purposes. However, Innove in Estonia have successfully tested an online version
                of this research approach to measure the satisfaction rate of their clients. This immediate and
                low committal online approach has improved the quality of the service and is now used for peer
                learning and development of the guidance centres.”

           Interview with Nele Labi, The Agency for Lifelong Guidance Foundation Innove, Estonia

           - Since March last year, we have  youngest clients would respond       youngsters really analysed their
           been  using  Recommendation  to the core question: “How likely         answers and themselves in the
           Index a.k.a Net Promoter Score  is it that you would recommend         process and made specific pro-
           with our guidance services  cli-  our service to  your friends?”       posals to us.
           ents.  That includes  thousands  (scale 0-10).
           of youngsters from the age of                                          -  All  our questionnaires are
           15, Mrs Labi explains.            - Nevertheless, that is the main     sent soon after the service via
                                             question of the recommendation       e-mail and are easy to answer;
           - We were quite concerned in  index and we decided to give it          no need to log in or enter your
           the beginning about how our  a try. What we learned was that           name or contact details. –    
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