Page 7 - euroguidance-insight-2017-autumn
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A New Team of Guidance Professionals in France
Within the framework of modernizing the public education sector in France, the French
Ministry of Education has merged two different services into one. The new profession is a
merger of the schools’ psychologists and guidance counsellor psychologists, titling them
both as National Education Psychologists. The National Education Psychologist will be
an integral part of the public school service, thus strengthening the role of psychological
counselling in contributing towards students’ success in education. The new profession
still requires ordinary application procedures and an entrance examination.
Previously, school either in schools or specialized net- portunities and the labour mar-
psychologists were works for pupils with special needs. ket. They have to pay special at-
educated teachers tention to pupils with difficulties,
holding Bachelor de- In secondary education, the Nation- disabled children and children
grees in Psychology al Education Psychologists aim to with mental health issues. All
with two years of training. It was promote psychological wellbeing for parties work towards preventing
the same for guidance counsel- young people, and to encourage ed- and reducing the drop-out rate.
lors; they had to hold a Bachelor ucational engagement. One of the The workplace can either be at
degree in Psychology followed main tasks is to support students in guidance centre or in schools.
by two years of training. From developing their career pathways.
2017, the Ministry has opened The ability to offer careers advice The government has great ex-
up for scholars with Masters in requires skills in self-awareness, pectations that the new team
Psychology to qualify for the knowledge about professions and of Education Psychologists will
Education Psychology entrance academic possibilities and curiosity help young people choose suc-
examination. The first 300 Na- about the world of business. In part- cessful pathways in education
tional Education Psychologists nership with the rest of the school and employment.
graduated this spring. team, the new Education Psychol-
ogists inform students, parents and Graziana Boscato,
There are still two specializations stakeholders about educational op- Euroguidance France
covering the needs of primary
and secondary level in education.
For pupils in primary educa-
tion, the role of the Education
Psychologist is to prevent early
school drop-out by promoting
good mental health and support-
ing the pupils’ interest and moti-
vation. The role is also to ensure
the inclusion of children with
learning difficulties or special
needs. The work is organized