Page 6 - euroguidance-insight-2017-autumn
P. 6
Global Mindedness Survey Measures the Impact of
Mobility on Attitudes
Finnish National Agency for Ed- ness survey is based on three which understands opposite
ucation (previously CIMO) car- different dispositions to engag- attitudes, and the disposition of
ried out a Global Mindedness ing with difference: Professor de Visiting, which is ready to ques-
survey between 2013 and 2016 Oliveira uses the metaphors of tion one’s own assumptions,
to examine the impact of mobili- Tourism Empathy and Visiting. were shared by almost everyone.
ty periods on students’ attitudes. They are not different stages
The survey measured how stu- of development, nor are they On average, the attitudes did not
dents engaged with difference put into order of preference as change during the mobility period.
and diversity and what kind of each of them may be useful in However, there were changes
changes in attitude and percep- different situations. However, in as regards individual students,
tions took place during their mo- practice, Tourism represents a both in a more rigid and in a
bility periods. more rigid approach. The dispo- more flexible direction.
sitions of Empathy and Visiting
Some differences were also
found between the mobile
students and students who
studied only in Finland. Based
on the material, it can be said
that the group of students head-
ing abroad is already somewhat
For more information on the
Global Mindedness Survey:
The primary target group of the can therefore be regarded as press_2b_2017
survey consisted of higher ed- more constructive approaches
ucation students who headed in international and multicultural
abroad for an exchange. Later, interaction. publications/facts_ex-
a group of students who studied press_1b_2015
only in Finland was included for The survey shows that students
comparison. heading abroad have a flexible ies_analyses_and_evaluations
attitude to engaging with differ- | Global Mindedness Survey
The instrument was developed ence. The disposition of Tourism,
for CIMO by Professor of Glob- which strives for one interpreta-
al Education Vanessa Andreotti tion, was shared by about one
de Oliveira from the University quarter of the students, where- Irma Garam
of Oulu. The Global Minded- as the disposition of Empathy, Euroguidance Finland