Page 5 - euroguidance-insight-2017-autumn
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As we can combine our data- expected - more is not better here. People are always interested in
base with the recommendation The index also shows that clients who has the best results. . Even
index tool, we can detect where value time and the longer the ses- if we use feedback for learning
and when a respondent received sion the better the feedback. and improving, it creates a little
his/her guidance. healthy competition, Labi adds.
How can the results be applied? In our Rajaleidja (Pathfinder in
What have you learned from the -Quick and specific feedback helps English) Centres we will con-
Recommendation Index so far? us to see whether we have learned tinue collecting direct feedback
We are very satisfied that 84% and if the service is improving. Sec- and use it for our service im-
of our respondents find that after ondly, there are open recommen- provement. We all agree that it
the session it is easier for them dations from our clients of what ex- is a useful tool – timely, easy to
to make decisions regarding actly we could do more of or better. use and with endless possibili-
studies or work. We can also test new methods in ties for learning, Labi concludes.
guidance, changes in organizing,
Not surprisingly, guidance is surroundings etc and immediately
more valued by the NEET, receive response from the target Nele Labi, Deputy Head of
young unemployed and young group. Agency for Lifelong Guidance
people at the end of lower and Foundation Innove
upper secondary school. -The index is also used for peer
learning purposes. We can now To read the whole interview,
We also see that there is a clear see who are our best counsellors please visit:
correlation between volume (num- and everyone wants to learn from or
ber of clients) and quality, and as those who get really good feedback