Page 10 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 10


           Mobility Becomes a Reality in French Schools

          In France, a new legal framework has been put into force  regarding the mobility of
          secondary school students’ in Europe and beyond. Through this legislation, in 2017,
          each secondary school is required to be involved in an international partnership and
          to have a named mobility reference teacher who is in charge of helping other teach-
          ers and students to carry out mobility projects.

                                                                                  Qualifications  Framework,  Eu-
                                                                                  roguidance    France/Education
                                                                                  also  organised  its  fifth  Eurogu-
                                                                                  idance Network national confer-
                                                                                  ence meeting.  The focus of the
                                                                                  meeting was to create synergies
                                                                                  between different guidance net-

                                                                                  The conference,  entitled  “Guid-
                                                                                  ance and Skills: assessment
                                                                                  and  practices in France and  in
                                                                                  Europe”, was attended by stake-
                                                                                  holders’ from the lifelong  guid-
                                                                                  ance  networks and took place
                                                                                  near Paris on October the 17th
                                                                                  and 18th 2016.
          Dissemination of information  created some practical tools for
          about European mobility            teachers and guidance profession-    Promotion of international
          This year Euroguidance  France/    als which  will  help  them to share   mobility
          Education has published a book-    information  with student about the   The  Euroguidance  France  Net-
          let which will  help to  inform ed-  possibilities of mobility.         work has distributed a new pro-
          ucation communities about the                                           motion  video designed  to show
          different mobility opportunities  These tools are available (in         that mobility is for everyone, not
          and programs that are available  French) here.                          just university’ students.  Three
          to secondary students, university                                       different cases are  presented:
          students, teachers etc. The book-  Networking                           Yassine an 18 years old boy
          let also contains useful advice  In  partnership  with  the  National   without a diploma, Elsa a 21
          about setting up mobility partner-  Europass  center  and  the  Nation-  year old girl  in vocational train-
          ships in schools. They have also  al coordination point for European    ing, and François a 50 year old

          1 Source : Legal framework :  Circulaire n°2016- 091 du 15 juin 2016 relative à la mobilité des élèves de
          collège et de lycée en Europe et dans le monde
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