Page 5 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 5


           From international and multicultural towards diversity – A

           new perspective for guidance

           Words such as “international”  ugees arrive in our countries, with  nice umbrella embracing a wide
           or  “multicultural” do not  have  different, languages, traditions and  range of aspects in human life.
           the same resonance  as before.  cultures, it creates a multicultural  In simple terms, diversity refers
           They are a part of our everyday  environment,  which  is not always  to similarities and differences
           vocabulary  and we use them  looked upon favourably.                   among people  in terms of age,
           somewhat lightly without notic-                                        ethnic   background,    physical
           ing what their true meaning is. At  The international  dimension  is  (dis)abilities,  worldviews,  gen-
           the same time we are highly in-   something that  is constantly  pres-  der, sexual orientation and many
           ternational and multicultural and  ent and well integrated into our dai-  more.  Basically no matter  who
           therefore it is surprising to real-  ly lives, and it should not be seen  you are or where you come from,
           ise that we still have the need to  as something that is isolated or  diversity aims to recognise, re-
           explicitly pinpoint and emphasise  separate from what is meant by na-  spect and value people’s differ-
           that something is international or  tional or domestic. Multiculturalism  ences to contribute  and realise
           multicultural.                    is here to stay and seen frequently  their full  potential  by promoting
                                             in  the  field  of  guidance  where  the  an inclusive culture for us all.
           These two  words have become  client-base is  becoming more and
           quite value-laden: “international”  more  mixed.  We  cannot  run  away  Read  more about  diversity and
           is usually experienced as some-   from it when it is already knocking  learn about the Diversity Wheel
           thing elitist and positive, whereas  loudly on our doors.              model in  the blog by Mr. Mika
           “multicultural” is often  consid-                                      Launikari, Finland.
           ered as posing an unpleasant or  Therefore, many guidance  practi-
           even critical challenge to society.  tioners have started talking about  Mika Launikari, Euroguidance
           Going abroad for studying, train-  plurality  and diversity to describe  Finland
           ing or working is normally seen  their clientele. These concepts are
           as “Wow!  You’re so internation-  regarded as more neutral and more
           al!”, but when thousands of ref-  value-free, and they  also create a
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