Page 3 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 3


          Job coaching involves free guid-   The job coach also:                  For further information,  please
          ance during the first 6 months of  •   supports the employer with the  contact:
          employment.  The job coach fo-        reception and care for the em-    joke.verlinden@epos-vlaan-
          cuses not only on technical skills,   ployee                  
          but also on motivation, work atti-  •   serves as a neutral point of con-
          tudes and communication skills.       tact and confidant                Source: VDAB
          After the intake, a plan of action  •   informs the employer about the  Euroguidance Flanders
          is drawn up – including  main         available employment systems
          working points. This plan is mon-  •   promotes diversity in the work
          itored through follow-up sessions     place
          with input from the employee,
          employer and his/her colleagues.

          Recognition of refugees’ qualifications

          The Lisbon Treaty establishes that the procedures for recognition of foreign educa-
          tion and qualification at educational institutions should take into account refugees’
          unusual situation. The Danish Agency for Higher Education offers an advisory state-
          ment for those who cannot provide the necessary documents and has developed a
          tool which will aid in a more effective recognition of their qualifications.

                                                                                  In many instances, documents for
                                                                                  educational background will not
                                                                                  be among the refugees’ belong-
                                                                                  ings as they flee their war-affect-
                                                                                  ed homelands  and sometimes
                                                                                  it is impossible to retrieve them
                                                                                  later on.  Therefore the Lisbon
                                                                                  Treaty on recognition envisages
                                                                                  that  European countries devel-
                                                                                  op  flexible  procedures,  so  that
                                                                                  refugees and other persons in a
                                                                                  similar situation can get a quick
                                                                                  and fair assessment and not be
                                                                                  prevented from undertaking fur-
                                                                                  ther education, even if they lack
                                                                                  the relevant documents.

                                                                                  On the basis of the Lisbon Trea-
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