Page 2 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 2


           Integration of Refugees and Newcomers through Employ-

           ment and Job Coaching

           In Flanders, as in the rest of Eu-  tives.                             target group. To guide refugees
           rope, participation  in the labor                                      and newcomers towards the la-
           market  has proven to  be a  sig-  In 2016, VDAB set up a communi-     bor market,  partner organisa-
           nificant factor in the long-term in-  cation campaign to inform refugees  tions  can  use  flyers  in  different
           tegration of asylum seekers and  and newcomers directly about its  languages, information through
           immigrants into  society.  Their  services. The campaign  kicked off  the VDAB website, online videos
           first  priority  is  usually  housing  on July 14th, when the Flemish  on VDAB services (available in
           and residency, closely  followed  Minister for  Work and State Sec-    7 languages) and appointment
           by employment.                    retary for Asylum and Migration to-  cards.
                                             gether signed a declaration of intent
           In 2015, the Flemish Public  to form a structural partnership be-      Integration through employment
           Employment Agency  (VDAB)  tween VDAB and Fedasil (Federal  is also facilitated by encouraging
           launched  ‘Integration Through  Agency for the Reception of Asylum  employers to  engage newcom-
           Work’: an action plan that  facil-  Seekers). Cooperation agreements  ers or refugees who do not (yet)
           itates accelerated activation  of  were also concluded with the Flem-  have the  required skills. VDAB
           refugees and newcomers in the  ish Integration Agency, the Union of  offers three programmes: Dutch
           labour market.  Referral of  refu-  Flemish Cities and Municipalities  on  the  workfloor  (professional
           gees and newcomers to VDAB  (VVSG) and the Ministry of Educa-          Dutch language training  in the
           mainly happens through its part-  tion and Training.                   workplace), On-the-job training
           ners: Public Centres for Social                                        (paid or unpaid internship with
           Welfare   (OCMW’s),     Flemish   The  communication campaign in-      clearly  defined  learning  out-
           Agency for Integration, the shel-  volved  several tools developed  by  comes) or Job coaching.
           ters and local reception initia-  VDAB to meet the needs  of the
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