Page 4 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 4


           ty, the European networks for the  educational background, any exist-  cess documents in  Arabic with
           recognition of academic and pro-  ing and available supporting docu-   no need of a translation and en-
           fessional  qualifications,  ENIC/  ments concerning their particular  quiries  will  be responded  to by
           NARIC, have developed a guid-     education as well as the Agency’s  e-mail to the municipalities with-
           ing  document for institutions on  knowledge of the respective coun-   in a few days.
           the recognition of refugees’ qual-  try’s educational system.
           ifications.                                                            Progression into the job mar-
                                             This system of counselling  and  ket
                                             evaluation  of  foreign  qualifications  The aim of the system of evalua-
           Assessment  at the Danish  has existed since 2003 but is par-          tion and recognition of refugees’
           Agency for Higher Education       ticularly important now in the midst  qualifications, which includes the
           At the Danish Agency for Higher  of a refugee crisis, where many find  new hotline, is  to  have a  more
           Education, anyone with complet-   themselves without the relevant  effective and faster progression
           ed and documented foreign qual-   documents.                           of refugees into the job market
           ifications  can  receive  an  evalu-                                   – something  which  is of great
           ation, which  assesses what the  Hotline ensures effective  and  importance  to the Danish gov-
           Danish equivalent of the particu-  quick evaluation                    ernment.
           lar qualification is. When a person  In order to complement this, a new-
           is  not  able to  obtain or  present  ly developed tool in the form of  a  Allan Bruun Pedersen, Danish
           the  necessary  documents,  the  hotline has also been established  Agency for Higher Education
           Agency offers an advisory state-  by the Agency. It is meant to assist
           ment in the form of a background  municipalities  and asylum  centers  Natalie Clausen and Birtha
           paper  describing  the refugees’  with guidance counselling and eval-  Theut, Euroguidance Denmark
           qualifications.  This  is  based  on  uating refugees’ education, making
           information  that the applicants  the process more effective. For ex-
           provide themselves about their  ample,  the hotline  is able to pro-
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