Page 8 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 8


           Over time you realise that it isn’t good or bad, only different!

           At a seminar for guidance practitioners from Nordic and Baltic countries, Marit Grøn-
           skei from AFS Intercultural Programs in Norway   was invited to talk about the learn-
           ing outcomes that can be gained by students from an high school exchange year
           abroad. She shared her insights into what the most appreciated learning outcomes
           are and how to deal with more and more partners becoming involved in the students
           exchange experience – the parents.

           – We tend to think that mobility
           is about learning about other cul-
           tures. But you also say that cul-
           ture sensitivity to our own culture
           is equally  or even more import-

           – Yes, absolutely. To be able to
           understand  another culture you
           have  to start by understanding
           your own.  Your own references
           are drawn from your own cul-
           ture, so if you haven’t under-
           stood those references it will be
           very difficult to put the new cul-
           ture’s  references  into  context,
           Grønskei  explains.  This  is  why
           AFS  always provide some  kind
           of training about my culture and
           background  and the motivation     having a deeper cultural sensitivity.  and then minimising them takes
           that I have for learning  some-    It starts with where we come from,  time.  This is why we believe
           thing new, she adds.               which is the comfort zone and also  that exchanges needs to last for
                                              the norm.                           more than a couple of days. They
                                                                                  should preferable last for a year.
           Cultural sensitivity takes time
           According to Grønskei,  the stu-   – And then one day they realise that  And then after a while they will
           dents undergo certain phases       something outside of their own bub-  find themselves self adapting to
           of development on their way to     ble is different, that people are dif-  the new culture. Over time they
                                              ferent. Realising  these differences  begin to realise that all the new

           1 AFS is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization that provides intercultural
           learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a
           more just and peaceful world.
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