Page 7 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
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          Cross Border Seminar 2016: Cross Cultural Guidance and

          International Careers – Integrating Migrants and Minorities

           In June 2016 the 11th Cross Bor-   rich  culturally diverse societies. It  encourage change of perception
           der Seminar took place in Pots-    also recognised, as well as partic-  and self-reflexion.
           dam under the motto „Cross Cul-    ipation  in education  and/or work,
           tural Guidance and International  guidance  and counselling play  an  Presentations  and country sur-
           Careers  – Integrating  Migrants  essential part of the support frame-  veys from the seminar  can be
           and Minorities“.  Since 2005 the  work that helps people to integrate  found here.
           annual event has offered a plat-   and to enter the labour market. In
           form  for  professional  exchange  order to understand the magnitude  The compendium of the seminar
           and  networking  to educational  and historical underpinnings for mi-  will be available until end of this
           and  vocational counsellors and  gration, the global perspective on  year at the  Euroguidance web-
           psychologists from 11 European  migration flows was also presented  site.
           countries.                         at the seminar with a focus on the
                                              need for a more open and inclusive  Ilse Lore Schneider, Coordina-
           The  aim of  the  Cross Border  view  towards  migrants, refugees  tor Euroguidance Germany
           seminar is to share best practic-  and ethnic minorities.
           es, discuss common challenges
           and educate participant  about  Peer learning is an essential part of
           current trends in the  European  the Cross Border seminar. Several
           education  and labour market.  workshops  presented  successful
           The welcome  speech, given by  integration projects from participat-
           Dr  Wolfgang Mueller,  Managing  ing countries as well as innovative
           Director and legal representative  guidance  approaches  within  an
           of Euroguidance Germany,  fo-      intercultural  context.  In  addition,
           cused on how to value and make  participants were able to try dif-
           use of the different skills that en-  ferent methods and exercises that
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