Page 17 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 17
Group Interview and Guidebook for Counsellors
In 2015, Euroguidance Turkey fo- company members. To understand A similar training will be offered in
cused on counselling activities and the situation better and to make 2016 and will gradually become
tools. Generally, counselling ser- an appropriate analysis, the team one of the pillars of the activities
vices are offered to clients in two visited 5 different provincial service of the İŞKUR. The guidebook has
ways; individual counselling and centres and had a chance to ob- been translated into English and
group counselling. Euroguidance serve group interview practices. shared with other colleagues and
Turkey conducts its activities under guidance practitioners. It can be
the Turkish Employment Agency Based on these visits the team found at:
(İŞKUR) which is a public employ- prepared an analysis report, and
ment body. In the local branches of based on outputs of the report the
İŞKUR, job and vocational coun- team also prepared a group inter- tr-tr/kaynaklar.aspx
sellors offer counselling services to view guidebook to help the coun-
a broad group of clients. In addition sellors with their daily activities. At
to individual interviews with coun- the same time, a “training for train- Ramazan Beğboğa
selees, they also meet groups of ers” programme was organized for Euroguidance Turkey
students, job seekers, vulnerable the counsellors and 60 counsellors
people etc. to inform them about participated. The participants were
the labour market, professions, job trained by guidance experts in
search skills and the importance of group interview technics, the best
choice of profession/job. way of counselling different target
groups, the concept and scope of
Increased quality and effectiveness group interviews, group interviews
of the group interview was one of for specific groups (e.g. students,
the work areas. In the preparation groups requiring special policy,
phase, Euroguidance Turkey cre- disabled persons, young, women,
ated a team that consisted of both long-term unemployed persons
the Euroguidance centre mem- etc.), and the golden rules of
bers and professional counselling effective presentation etc. issues.