Page 15 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 15
“Paths to Professionalising Career Guidance”
A Czech conference in May – Call for participants
The Czech Euroguidance Centre vakia, Norway and Sweden. Lenka ed by Euroguidance Centres in Eu-
will be hosting a conference with Hloušková from Masaryk Universi- rope with a relevant presentation in
the title “Paths to Professionalising ty presented the research “Using one of the conference sessions.
Career Guidance” on May 26 - 27. research in counselling practice”.
The event will take place in Brno Experiences of education for ca- The focus of sessions is still open,
and is intended for European ca- reer counsellors were presented by e.g. one for university teachers in
reer counsellors and their teachers Åsa Sundelin of Stockholm Uni- the field of career counselling train-
and trainers. versity and by Tron Inglar of Oslo ings who will share practices and
University. They will be also guests one for researchers and doctoral
The co-hosts are the Department at the conference for this year. Lyn students in this field, etc.
of Educational Sciences of the Barham, Tristram Hooley and other
Masaryk University and the leaders speakers have also been invited. Anyone interested in participation
of the project Erasmus+ Guide My or wishing to receive more infor-
Way as well as many other stake- The whole proceedings of the con- mation should contact the Czech
holders. ference will be translated between Euroguidance Centre
Czech and English (both direction).
In November 2015, the Czech [email protected]
Euroguidance Centre organised a Participation is open for foreign
seminar on the topic of education visitors and for participants with
and research in Career Guidance an active role in its sessions (one Petr Chalus
and invited university teachers and of which will be in English). The Euroguidance Czech Republic
researchers from various Czech Czech Euroguidance Centre will
universities. They shared practices cover accommodation and travel
with their foreign guests from Slo- costs for participants recommend-
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA: Presenting the Euroguidance Centre
to the wider public
The Macedonian Euroguidance In 2015 the Macedonian Eurogu- people in total participated. The
Centre is in the second year of idance Centre organized several participants were teachers from
implementation of Euroguidance workshops for different stakehold- primary, secondary, higher edu-
in the country. The main objective ers such as primary and secondary cation institutions and staff from
in this incipient period is to raise schools, VET schools, universities the State Agency for Employment,
public awareness about the neces- and the State Agency for Employ- VET centre and the Centre for
sity for such initiatives which aim ment in the Republic of Macedo- Adult Education as well as the
to provide new approaches in the nia, VET centre, the Centre for Bureau for Development of Educa-
areas of support and guidance for Adult Education and the Bureau for tion. Next year the Euroguidance
learning mobility, lifelong guidance Development of Education. Centre is planning to host similar
development within education, workshops to ensure wider public
training and employment espe- The aim was to introduce Eu- awareness about the importance
cially for individuals – students roguidance and what it means, its of Euroguidance. Also for the next
and job-seekers - with different purpose, the elements and the per- year the Centre is planning to visit
socio-economic background and spective for future development. At more primary, secondary schools
marginalized groups. these events, around 80 and universities.