Page 16 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 16

Slovene community in Italy on the way to establishing a guidance

        In February and March the Eurogu-
        idance Slovenia centre hosted a
        group of Slovene speaking coun-
        sellors from the Slovene student
        hostel Srečko Kosovel in Trieste
        and Club KRUT, the Slovenian
        Cultural and Economic Union in
        Italy. At the student hostel, educa-
        tion from basic (day nursery) up to
        secondary school level is offered,
        as well as well as daily care for
        youngsters and complete care for
        40 young refugees without parents
        from different countries where
        there is a war or other conflict.

        The counsellors are interested in
        upgrading their services with a
        guidance window and open possi-
        bilities for different modes of work
        and employment for their students
        and adults. The Euroguidance
        Centre in Slovenia presented
        national and European guidance
        activities during a one week study
        visit, the labour market in Slovenia
        and career guidance at local and
        regional levels. The group visited
        the Career centre of the Univer-
        sity of Maribor and after that the
        oldest Slovenian town Ptuj where
        the counsellors visited the Career
        centre of the Employment Ser-
        vice of Slovenia. As the Slovenian
        employment service works closely     The guests from the student hostel   Slovene community in Italy has
        with Austria, a lot of unemployed    and Club KRUT have applied for       deep roots and in the beginning
        people are interested in getting a   an Erasmus+ mobility grant in        of the 20th century, multinational
        job (and better payment) on the      order to establish an information/   Trieste was the biggest Slovenian
        other side of the border. Thus the   counselling window in Trieste for    city. This project will enhance the
        employment office in Ptuj offered    the Slovene speaking community       possibilities for more common
        around 3 000 job opportunities in    and for other interested visitors.   activities in guidance and employ-
        2015 for job seekers in their region   Hopefully by this means the collab-  ment between the two countries.
        in the Slovenian job market.         oration will be prolonged. The

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