Page 18 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 18

Professionalisation of guidance and counselling in Romania

        During November 19-20, 2015, Eu-     Greece, Great Britain, FYROM,        ceded by other meetings between
        roguidance Romania in partnership  Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and the     professionals and will be followed
        with the Institute of Education Sci-  USA.                                by other consultations and work-
        ences, the National Board of Certi-                                       shops.
        fied Counsellors Romania and ‘Titu  One of the main objectives of the
        Maiorescu’ University from Bucha-    event was to enter into a construc-  The work is at its very beginning,
        rest organised the input “Theory     tive dialogue with the participants   but benefits from a good synergy,
        and practice in counselling”, in the   on the professionalisation of
        framework of the international con-  guidance and counselling ser-        being supported by Euroguidance
        ference “Education and creativity    vices in Romania in the context of   Romania national centre, the de-
        for a knowledge based society”.      international development. Aspects  partment of Counselling from the
        The conference is an annual event    regarding the professionalisation    Institute of Educational Sciences,
        that brings together representa-     of counselling services in Romania   NBCC Romania and NBCC Inter-
        tives of guidance and counselling    and the role of guidance counsel-    national (National Board for Certi-
        centres from all over the country    lors were discussed in two special   fied Counsellors) and also various
        and connects them to transnational  sessions held in the Romanian         professional associations, such as
        practices through the participation   language, one moderated by a Eu-    the Association of Counsellors for
        of international experts.            roguidance representative, with the  Personal Development, the Roma-
                                             participation of school counsellors   nian Counsellors Associations, and
        This year’s event was a good         and directors of school counsel-     others.
        opportunity for practitioners, re-   ling centres and one addressed to
        searchers, university professors,    practitioners from other networks    We hope that ideas emerged from
        directors of counselling and guid-   (university, private practices, com-  these discussions will become a
        ance centres to meet, discuss and    panies etc.). There is presently a   landmark for guidance services in
        work together on specific topics in   favourable context for reflecting on   Romania and contribute to their
        the field of counselling and guid-   the status of this occupation and    development in sync with the
        ance. It brought together around     the future development directions.   needs of beneficiaries.
        101 participants, mostly from
        Romania, but also from Cyprus,       The discussions have been pre-


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