Page 14 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 14
Euroguidance: What are the basic a person with the opportunity to
assumptions of the SocioDynamic examine the implications of her life transforming careers and lives.
approach? as she is living it now and, thereby,
to give consideration to alternative The advantage is often a new
Anna Górka: One of the most im- paths as she might live them in the perspective, perception of alterna-
portant elements of constructivist future.” The SocioDynamic ap- tives, extended range of decisions,
worldview is the assumption that proach addresses the fundamental the possibility of projection into the
people “give meaning”, “construct” questions: Who am I? What is my future and creation of personally
their own selves by interpretations purpose? What is the meaning of meaningful projects and, finally, to
and actions. A person is a com- life and experience? How should develop and implement strategies
plex, “polyphonic” system, with the I live my life? It changes the per- and actions.
voices of health and well-being, spective on counselling.
intimacy, work, education and Feel free to contact:
spirituality. In the SocioDynamic Euroguidance: What are the main
approach the word ‘socio’ is very benefits of this approach? [email protected]
important, which means focussing
on social resources, social and Anna Górka: SocioDynamic Coun-
cultural capital, and interactions selling supports reflexivity, con- Małgorzata Rosak
with others and with aspects of scious decision-making, the ability Euroguidance and EQAVET
the surrounding world. The holistic to cope with change and stress, Poland,
approach allows for a multidimen- using personal resources and so- National Centre for Supporting
sional analysis of the situation of cial networks. It gives a deeper Vocational And Continuing Educa-
someone seeking help. The map- self-knowledge, designing and tion
ping of their life space and possible
future is the main tool for repre-
senting and constructing reality.
Maps show important relation-
ships, contextualize the concern
and serve as a preliminary plan for
The SocioDynamic repertoire is
not an exhaustive list, it is open
for any actions adequate to the
needs of the help-seeker, which
give the opportunity for a genuine
encounter and transformation As
Peavy said: “Counselling provides
Anna Górka – psychologist, culture anthropologist, career counsellor. She has a long experience in conduct-
ing training, seminars, and individual and group counselling. She completed the training of SocioDynamic
Counselling and has worked under the supervision of the Finnish Anna Górka is a PhD student at the Faculty
of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow interested in culture issues. She edited the Polish trans-
lation of Peavy’s book „SocioDynamic Counselling: A Practical Approach to Meaning Making” and is the author
of “Summary report for the ‘New Perspective in Career Counselling’ project. Monograph of the adaptation
process of SocioDynamic Counselling to the realities of Polish career counselling.”