Page 9 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 9

New digital tool helps Danish youngsters choose an education

        Choosing an education is one of the most important decisions of a young person’s life. The task,
        however, can be quite overwhelming given the large number of different options available, and even
        with qualified guidance and good advice from friends and family, many still struggle with finding their
        educational path. A new Danish website helps young people identify the programme of education that
        best suits their ambitions and hopes for a future work life.

        In 2015, the former Danish Gov-      The aim of this initiative is to better   Learn more about
        ernment launched a new digital       prepare young people before they     Uddannelseszoom
        tool called ‘Uddannelseszoom’        enter an educational programme,
        (In English: Education zoom).        and to help them set realistic ex-   Visit Uddannelseszoom (in Danish)
        ‘Education zoom’ makes it easi-      pectations for the outcome of their
        er than ever for young people to     education and their future work
        compare the different education      life. Hopefully, this will also lead to
        programmes available in Denmark      a decreasing number of students
        and, on that basis, make an in-      dropping out.
        formed decision.  The digital tool
        presents both programmes on          Another aim is to increase the
        upper secondary level and higher     attractiveness of vocational edu-
        educational level.                   cation and training programmes
                                             in the eyes of the students. It is
        ‘Education zoom’ allows applicants   important that even more young
        to easily gain information on, for   people choose this as a career
        instance, drop-out rates, unem-      path, and ‘Education zoom’ can       Alexandra Ejby Bidstrup
        ployment rates, levels of income     help open their eyes to the quality   Euroguidance Denmark
        and possible career opportunities.   of these programmes and show
        They can also find out how many      the numerous career opportunities
        graduates end up starting their      a vocational education may lead
        own business after finishing their   to.

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