Page 8 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
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•   Newsletter: Stay in touch and    EPALE is active through social       counsellors and other guidance
            keep up to date simply by sign-  media channels:                      experts. Both centers are part of
            ing up to EPALE’s newsletter.                                         the Austrian Agency for internation-
                                             •   Facebook: EPALE.EU               al cooperation in Education and
        A multilingual community             •   Twitter: EPALE_EU                Research (OeAD), the umbrella
                                             •   LinkedIn: EPlatform for Adult    organisation which advises, pro-
        EPALE is available in a huge             Learning in Europe               motes and supports international
        number of languages. There are                                            cooperation in education, science
        35 National Support Services         •   The national social media        and research.
        (NSS) established across Europe          channels can be found through
        that identify the relevant national      EPALE linguistic versions.       To find out more about our recent
        content and engage with local                                             work, please see the publication:
        stakeholders, provide members        EPALE Austria                        “Seeing the bigger picture: Interna-
        with assistance in their national                                         tionalisation and opening of adult
        languages, and help translate con-   EPALE National Support Service       education”
        tent for the platform.               (NSS) Austria is part of the Austri-
        If you are not yet part of the com-  an National Agency for Erasmus +
        munity, do not wait and join!        Education. EPALE Austria coop-       Belén Martínez-Asenjo,
                                             erates closely with Euroguidance     Erasmus+ EPALE National
        Register at EPALE                    Austria for the benefit of guidance   Coordination Point Austria

        Lifelong guidance in France: Career transition counselling - the
        cornerstone of provisions in creating career paths

        Career transition counselling (Con-  The system provides customised       activities to allow projects to come
        seil en Evolution Professionnelle,   support to put a person’s career     alive.
        CEP) is now a statutory provision    into perspective. Secondly, it offers
        in France  in which people have a    knowledge-based assistance in en-    Source: Le Quotidien de la forma-
        right to individual career counsel-  trepreneurial skills such as creating  tion, newsletter of Centre Inffo
        ling. The service is free of charge,   projects, verifying their feasibility or
        provided outside the workplace,      to identify skills or qualifications to   Article by Cédric Morin
        and is available to all individuals   be recognised, acquired or devel-   France
        - employees and job seekers, but     oped. Thirdly, counselling is also
        also freelance workers or public     offered in the implementation of     1 Order of 16 July 2014 determining the
        agents. The service is offered by    the project, such as available fund-  CEP specifications
        local employment offices.            ing, writing contracts and other

        The provisions on offer rely above
        all on the involvement of the
        employees or job seekers, with
        the aim of finding their individual
        career paths. With this in mind,
        the new career counselling law
        (January 2015) has a central role
        in coordinating other resources
        (personal training account, voca-
        tional interviews or validation of
        prior experience) to create strate-
        gies aimed at acquiring skills and
        increasing employability.

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