Page 3 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
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course called “Guidance in a         resources. They interpret the ac-    carry out a European study on this
        multicultural society” offered at the   tions of the guidance counsellor as   topic. How are the social chal-
        Stockholm University Career Guid-    an attempt to support them to find   lenges of migration handled in the
        ance Education Programme.            their own path in life, even when    guidance field, in terms of both
                                             the counsellors obviously tried to   policies and operations?  It is to
        “This course should be made man-     influence them in a certain direc-   some extent a new situation facing
        datory,” says Åsa Sundelin. “Most    tion. The pupils also influenced the   society and there are no ready an-
        career counsellors in Sweden do      direction of the career guidance     swers, apart from the answers we
        not have any personal experi-        conversation to a greater extent     generate ourselves,” Åsa Sundelin
        ence of migration, but they need     than one would expect, given their   concludes.
        to have the ability to perceive the   vulnerable position.”
        existential questions that migration
        brings.”                             Research can help us understand      Nina Ahlroos
                                             the world as we create it. Given     Euroguidance Sweden
        However, regarding the more          the acute situation regarding the
        general discussion that suggests     issue of newly arrived and their     •   Read an abstract of the thesis
        that career guidance is too western  opportunities for inclusion, it is      in English
        and would not suit people from       especially important that we contin-
        non-western societies, the study     ue to explore how guidance activity  •   There is also an English sum-
        indicates almost the opposite;       develops within this area.              mary (chapter 14) in the PhD
        “The pupils really used their career                                         thesis
        guidance counsellors as guiding      “It would be very interesting to

        Åsa Sundelin has a background in the field of career development and guidance. Since 1999, she has been
        working at the Career Guidance Education at Stockholm University and teaches in the area of career guidance
        theory and method at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

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